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Do I ? or Don't I ?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Alright.... tomorrow is Fetching Opening day of deer..... :) I 've taken too much time off for non work, non hunting related things the last couple months and my paychecks been looking like a Stay at home moms would. :BLEEP:

But tomorrows opening day...hump Do I ? or Don't I ?

Just had a baby boy a couple days ago...Do I ? or Don't I ?

Grant it I have Oct 29-31 for deer, an dthe Nov 4-7 for elk then Nov 10-16th for NM deer..... But tomorrows opening day... Do I ? or Don't I ?

Wife would be mad........Do I ? or Don't I ?

I never see anything worth while opening day anyways but I'd at least get out. Something I haven't done lately........ Do I ? or Don't I ?

I could work in the morning and Leave at NOON, drive up the 2.5 hours then hunt for 2 hours then come back......Do I ? or Don't I ?

..............Should I ? or Shouldn't I ?
You're A putz. :rolleyes:

You're my brother. If I can't tell you you're a putz, noone can.

There ya go. You did ask. :p
Onthat note.. I'm going to take a 1/2 of day and go :D :D

I think SIS is just mad because I own more houses then her ;) OHH, And I winterized your Summer camp (on my land :p) for ya too. Went up with Grandma today and Blew out the water in the lines and poured Antifreeze in the lines. We're re-open it again in spring. Although we should go up this Winter and Build an Igloo !!!!
Good luck with whichever decision you make, but my opinion is.....THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE THAN HUNTING! Family definitely ranks number 1.......

Godd luck either way, bro!

stop being a pussy bro. You only have about 10 days plan to hunt in the next month!!!! C'mon man, you need to get out tomorow for sure. :p Must be rough worrying about one day when you have many sweet days planned in the next couple of weeks.
i know what i would do, but that is probably why the wife stops talking to me this time of year. and you know what, she does get over it.........

there are bigger things in this life than hunting to be pissed about.

now i will put my family first, as long as everyone is ok and in your case moosie, if your wife and baby will be ok for the day then do it.... thats your call
Sounds like me back about eight years ago this week....drew a opener permit for a GREAT limited hunt (duck/goose) after 4 years of applying....wife was due that week :( .....nothing died but the "rabbit" but I did get brownie points that I have used in spades since then hump
5 hrs. of driving for 5 hrs. of hunting...sounds cheaper than therapy.

If family's covered & you're not making 1000$ per hour, what's half a day?
Be safe.
Is Idaho a coummity property state like Louisiana? Had a client whose wife had their First son...he picked her up from the Hospital and dropped her off at the house and then flew to his Ranch in South Texas to hunt!!!!!!!!!!! Can you say Pre-Nuptial Agreement.
Moosie, there are a ton of forkies and 3 points out there for you to blast. I figure you could have gone out and been back with a two point in the back of the car before most of the bosses showed up for the morning meetings! At any rate, I haven't rifle hunted the rifle opener in 5 years so I sit here sulking and reading posts hoping someone will be back posting pictures of big Idaho bucks!!
you better go so we don't look like fools in the Fantasy hunt points tally at year end....
Its not worth it, all that driving, with a little hunting, to me, not if you've got other stuff going. But if you wanted to go, then it might be worth it. 2/3 driving, 1/3 hunting is not efficient, think like an engineer, optimize it. Make a loss/benefit function, take the derivative, set it to zero, then let us know what the result is. Check the second derivative to make sure you have a mazimum benefit or a miniumum loss.
Moosie is some kind of engineer, so I thought of that answer to his question, sort of pass it back, that approach. He designs roads I think. Here's a question:

Why do you park in a driveway and drive on a parkway? Did an engineer come up with that?

It varies, the number of flap jacks for a doghouse. You integrate x, the unknown number, from the minimum to the maximum multiplied by the density, that gives you the average. For the variance on the number of flapjacks, you need the average and another integral. If you don't know the density, we could take a sample of them, then do a bootstrap estimate through simulation, no problem. Just put flapjacks on their till its covered, that's the easy way. You don't even have to know then, just cover the roof. So, you don't even need to ask that question.

How was the hunting, more important, the travel, there was more travel than hunting, eh?
there are a ton of forkies and 3 points out there for you to blast.

I know.. but No one kills the Small ones as far back as I do :)

The Driving was Great. it's a Short 2-2.5 hour drive each way. Hell, in bear season, we do that 3 times a week.

So how was that hunting anyway?

Went good. Not GREAT, but better then average. I didn't make any flapjacks while I was out there, thats for sure :) I didn't think I could make it out hunting but I've pulled off harder tasks :) was able to get out of the office around 1:30. YIPPEE !!!! So I was up there at 3:30, Hiked till 6:30 before I saw the first deer. Nothing like hiking the hills and shooting deer :D

Mom said you might need a car for awhile, come over any time to get it. You could take the truck too if you'd rather, Hell, I'm easy. Lemme know, I'll be out in the morning, Have a Trip back to the hills.

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