
Dipwhit - Pretty much anyone who cannot use this forum for what it is intended. Anyone who decides to express their immaturity at the expense of rational discourse, however temporary or permanent their indescretion.
I for one would have to think Patty Loveless is on the Dipwhit list. Any other speculations? :D

NHY's vocabulary would normally exclude him but being from Texas automatically puts you on the list.

Tread easy fellars, we don't want Fin to lock 3 threads in 12 hours.
Dipwhit - Pretty much anyone who cannot use this forum for what it is intended. Anyone who decides to express their immaturity at the expense of rational discourse, however temporary or permanent their indescretion.

Serious question - Has anyone been banned or given a time out from the forums here?
...not sure someone would raise their 'hand/post' to say, 'HEY! I am JC, and I am a dipwhit!'
Randy ought to just post up the list of idiots like The Journal posted the list of the names of gun owners back east?
Dipwhit - Pretty much anyone who cannot use this forum for what it is intended. Anyone who decides to express their immaturity at the expense of rational discourse, however temporary or permanent their indescretion.

Man, I gotta tell ya this site is on my speed dail! And I will tell ya I do think Jose went to the dark side too many times, but he was concerned when someone on this site had a personal thing like a Death happen. We will all have different views from time to time, but as long as you eventually come around to my way of thinking everything is cool! John;)
Anyone who decides to express their immaturity at the expense of rational discourse, however temporary or permanent their indescretion.

I for one would have to think Patty Loveless is on the Dipwhit list

Careful WV Hunter, you may be starting to be infected with a slight touch of dipwhititis yourself. We'll know for sure if you start making derogatory remarks about the beauty of the Dairy Queen. :)

Seriously though, what's up with all the name calling around here? I certainly hope that when all the dipwhits from the past couple days get to the bottom of the eggnog jug and recover from their hangovers, they will recover a few manners as well.

I need to know who's on the list of Dipwhits

Maybe that can be the next poll question. :)

Bigfin- If you ban all of the kids on the short bus I for one would gain respect for you. Even if I'm currently in the back of the bus poking a mentally challenged kid with a stick:eek:

I just hope I can get off of this bus before something bad happens.
I knew who, thus the cheezy grin. I kinda get a kick out of you 2, and repsect the hell out of you both for your mad skills in the outdoors, and don't even know ya.

Just put down the stick so yer not inlcined to do any poking or choose not to sit next to that person on the bus when you get on - high road.
Serious question - Has anyone been banned or given a time out from the forums here?

I have banned two people, both of whom wanted to post porn on this site. For those who know me, I have zero tolerance for that. They refused to follow the rule, so they are no longer posting here. That happened January, 2009, in the first couple months after I had purchased the site from Moosie.

Other than that, I have never banned anyone. I feel the 1st Amendment has value in our society, even in a privately owned forum such as this. I get an email a week, asking that someone be banned, but I never do.

My belief has always been that we benefit from the contrarians; that as childish as any of us can be at times, it will all be fine in the end; and that forums with heavy moderation enter the slippery slope of then having to moderate more and more, eventually getting to the point of having all like-minded thinkers where Kool-aid gets served in heavy doses.

With that background showing my distaste for moderation of people, their opinions, and their style, I hope it shows people just how far things have slid the last month, in order to get me to this point. Hopefully I don't have to nuke anyone, but my finger is on the button.

Yeah, Fin is running on a real short fuse right now. Never a good thing.
Yeah, Fin is running on a real short fuse right now. Never a good thing.

Hop in with Harlin when he comes back this weekend. You can take our your stress on some birds. He left his jet boat here so he has to come get it.

For those who don't like how Jose posts, I understand but if you met him in person your opinion would change. He is a good guy and a dedicated father, just likes to stir the pot for entertainment. I doubt he even believes half of what he posts. ;)


PS. BTW, You don't have to respond to a post that gets under your skin.
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The thing I really like about this site is the lack of negativity seen on most other sites.

Seems like a really good group of guys here that can usually agree to disagree without it becoming a wizzing contest.

Having said that, I chimed in on something that I shouldn't have so this Dipwhit is guilty as charged.

Happy Holidays gents, still some time to shoot some stuff so get out there.


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