Democrat,Republican or neither

Let's see:
I shot Soccer Mom, Let Hunter guy live
I shot Militant Lesbian, Let Bible Thumper live
I shot Nascar Dad, Let Needy Immigrant live
I shot Useless Professor, Let Shady Businessman live
I shot Hate America guy, Let Flag waving Patriot live
I shot KKK guy, Let French Internationalist live

I wish I could have shot the French Internationalist and let the militant Lesbian live.

Therefore I am a typical Republican
W's dad made me a registered Independent. This just confirms my conviction! It's nice to be able to think for your self! "middle of the road Independent"
I'm a far right wing arch conservative Republican. [/QUOTE]


It told me I was a "typical republican" I hate being called typical...

Is 9" typical? :confused: :D
Depends; round my house it would be small, both concave and convex!
Originally posted by Hangar18:
Let's see:
I shot Soccer Mom, Let Hunter guy live
I shot Militant Lesbian, Let Bible Thumper live
I shot Nascar Dad, Let Needy Immigrant live
I shot Useless Professor, Let Shady Businessman live
I shot Hate America guy, Let Flag waving Patriot live
I shot KKK guy, Let French Internationalist live

Therefore I am a typical Republican
Funny thing is that the only thing different for me was that I shot the shady businessman and let the useless professor live.
shot the soccer mom
shot the bible thumper (lesbians are cool)
shot the nascar dude
shot the hate the ameican guy
and shot the french guy (i hate sissy's)

typical republican......have black and imigrant friends but dont want them living in my neighborhood.

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