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Couse deer


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
I was talking to a buddy of mine yesterday. He went out archery hunting couse deer, saw 5 big huge bucks and shot the middle one(the only one that presented the shot) he said some guys scored it at 100 its at the taxidermist now, If I get a chance today I will drive up and get the details and a few pics. He says there were 2 deer that were bigger the biggest being almost 1.5 times as big as the one he shot..
BTW he was bow hunting

My buddy just got the official score.
Gross was 101 1/2
Net score is 99 3/8
It made Pope&young
its a perfect 4x4 with only a little over 2" of deductions Not bad for his first achery deer kill... When he getsthe pics scanned or I get my scanner up and running I will post them.
he is going back out the first of the year to try and get the other one...


You're understating the superiority of your friend's Coues buck --- it was a no-brainer that it'd make P&Y (minimum is 65)! In fact, it just misses the B&C awards program minimum of 100. I can't wait to see some pics! Be sure and give my heartiest congrats when you talk to your buddy ...

Oh I will lv2hnt...

I am not underestimating it .... I am more happy he got it for his first buck.. I remember trying to get him into hunting about 12 years or more ago.. It was almost like talking to a block wall.. Now that guy goes every chance he gets and loves it...
