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Climate Change

At any one of those warming and cooling times were there ever 8 billion of us on earth?
Just because there's more people doesn't mean it's our fault. It's a speculation. Like I've been saying. It's everyone's first time experiencing this. You can't be sure what's going to happen no matter what these "Scientists" say.

Ask or research this. Whose paying for this research that's happening?

"Out of 44 studies determined to have a financial or professional conflicts of interest, 43 produced results favorable to the sponsor."
Looks like skewed results no?
There's plenty of science suggesting otherwise. Is it just a solar fluctuations? Can you explain the Medieval warm period?
Kind of dodging the question sir.

Solar fluctuations ok what methods scientific or other are being used to prove this and why do you have faith in the outcomes.
We are not trying to explain other warming periods. Im trying to wrap my head around the easiest one to study. This one
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Man regardless of this thread> On this Board/Forum Hunttalk it just really seems that Climate change is the topic or is brought up/mentioned way more than what bullet or broadhead to use to kill an elk or deer. Im serious!

then don’t read it.

it’s actually more entertaining, and on about a similar plane of intelligence n
I have got to agree with this although Im more interested in if its really happening and less about public opinion.
It's happening. The debate is how much is happening , what we can do about it, how much will it cost, and who is going to pay. So public opinion matters if you want to make any head way reversing what is happening.
GD if you can't take the time to click on a couple of links get-the-f-out.
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NASA ain't full of a bunch of people who work a full time job as a building contractor and dabble in climate debates on a hunting forum. They're actually experts at this shit.
Getting a little upset? Explain the Medieval warm period? Go google it and get back to me with an explanation please and thank you.

What does me working in the construction field have to do with any of this? Are you a scientist?
It's happening. The debate is how much is happening , what we can do about it, how much will it cost, and who is going to pay. So public opinion matters if you want to make any head way reversing what is happening.
What I want to know is actually how much of it is because of humans. Yes the world is warming up. A few Russian scientists made a $10,000 bet with another scientist that the world would start cooling in the next 10 years just like it has in the past. If someone could come with some real information and not say "Humans are the cause" I'd be interested in their data. Until then, the earth is warming up just like it's done since the beginning. We could be in an ice age in the next 30 years, who knows. Did scientists predict global warming to happen?

Ask or research this. Whose paying for this research that's happening?

"Out of 44 studies determined to have a financial or professional conflicts of interest, 43 produced results favorable to the sponsor."
Looks like skewed results no?
No sir you are the one wanting to discredit the studies you research it and let us know what you find
I just posted 18 studies that you can look up and check funding on after you get done Googling carbon 14 and scientificly debunking carbon dating.
I don't know for sure if climate change is human caused but I am pretty sure you have your head stuck in your canal when it comes to the subject.

It's happening. The debate is how much is happening , what we can do about it, how much will it cost, and who is going to pay. So public opinion matters if you want to make any head way reversing what is happening.
How much more will it cost if we ignore it until we cant any longer.
I feel like we might be ignoring a leaking roof in a house we cannot move out of.
What I want to know is actually how much of it is because of humans. Yes the world is warming up. A few Russian scientists made a $10,000 bet with another scientist that the world would start cooling in the next 10 years just like it has in the past. If someone could come with some real information and not say "Humans are the cause" I'd be interested in their data. Until then, the earth is warming up just like it's done since the beginning. We could be in an ice age in the next 30 years, who knows. Did scientists predict global warming to happen?
1/3 of the warming since 1850 is attributed to man causes according to today's "best" science. The models have been improved since 1998 and are considerably more accurate. Better accuracy leads to better credibility. Isn't that what we are all shooting for?
"I don't know for sure if climate change is human caused but"
So what is it you're arguing about? You don't know. I don't know. I'm against people blaming everything on humans. Just because some of the graphs are spiking higher doesn't mean it's humans fault. What caused previous spikes? Hell if I know. All I know is that it happened. And it's happening again. Apart from that, I couldn't tell you what's happening other than it's not like we have blown the temp out of proportion and the world is ending tomorrow. Until there's any solid evidence pointing fingers at the human race, don't point fingers.

I strongly dislike being blamed for things I didn't do or take part in.

As for everyone who is dead set on it being human caused, don't complain until you're helping the cause.
I'm reluctant to wade in but I will.

First my background. A long time ago I managed to get a degree majoring in chemistry. I have a brother with a PHD in Physical Chemistry. I made my money in the oil industry. I like to think I have some grasp of the science involved in the debate of climate change.

It is evident to me that when you release the enormous quantities of carbon that were previously sequestered as coal and oil into the system, there will be changes. It takes a strong ideological belief to deny that.

So much of what society enjoys in the way of living standards is dependent on the energy that fossil fuels provide. It is easy enough to want to go green, until society starts to live within the energy constraints of being carbon neutral. If you really want to be carbon neutral, you have to learn to embrace nuclear power. Nothing else is energy dense enough to provide vast amounts of energy with a modest footprint. I am having some difficulty embracing nuclear power. It has its own set of problems that are very politically charged.

I do roll my eyes a bit when someone KNOWS how much time we have to change. Actually, I am reasonably certain that the warming is a lagging indicator of our problem. If we stopped burning carbon today, it might be several human lifetimes to know that the ship has turned. Also, the rise in sea level will create all kinds of problems for mankind. Any look at human population densities will show how close to the ocean much of mankind lives.

I'm an old man, it won't affect me drastically, but I think my grand kids will see it.
I strongly dislike being blamed for things I didn't do or take part in.

As for everyone who is dead set on it being human caused, don't complain until you're helping the cause.

Fair, right there with you.

And yeah we are all in this together... seems kinda weird to throw stones.

When you dive into the money side of the OG industry you real start to roll your eyes.

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