Climate Change

The people who fear the earth will be destroyed by humans grossly underestimate old Ma Nature.

The earth will certainly survive whatever we humans do. Nuclear war, climate change, etc., she'll roll with the punches and'll keep on keeping on... until the sun burns out.

But when we talk about actual climate change affecting humans under a climate scenario of 1.5 degrees increase over the next century. Remember over the last 600k years we've only ever been about 4 degrees hotter, and there were palm trees at 50 degrees latitude.

While humans as a creatures we could survive that, we likely couldn't without a whole lot of lives lost. It wouldn't be fun.
Its like reading layman's opinions about blockchain or IOT.
I can't wait for them to become politicized so guys can form opinions accordingly.
You can thank dishonest media for that. Once in a while they get their job right and bring facts to the layman. Case in point.

Those glaciers were melting before any white man ever touched one. My house sits where a glacier once was 22,000 years ago. I just hate when global warming is proclaimed the cause or a reason for every natural decline.
I live in Pa and our forests in the North east are in real trouble in many locations. I cringe when I hear the experts mentioning global warming as a contributing cause. It is impossible with an open mind not to see the real picture what has & continues to happen here. The decline started in the 1920's.
American Chestnut blight hit the USA in central park NY in the 1890's from infected asian trees planted in central park. By the late 1940's 99% of all american chestnut trees where dead in eastern Pa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our forestry experts at the time recommended we manage our forests for various oak species. The chestnuts occupied 30% of the forests and in the poorest soils and rocky steep slopes and mountain sides often more that 60% of the area was chestnut. The oaks filled the gap but have been in decline off and on and now severe decline from multiple years of gypsy moth" asian invader" damage various root dysfunction issues. All our ash trees are dying due to the emerald ash borer another invader. I mean every American ash tree is dead or declining. The forest floor in many areas is totally covered with japanese stiltgrass another invader which chokes out all seedling species except Japanese Barbary which the two partner well together but it too is an invader. Then we have the Hemlocks in severe decline from hemlock woolly adelgid another asian invader . American Chesnut extinct by 1950, oaks in severe decline in many of the poor sites becuase they never occupied those locations, Ash will be totally gone in 5 years every one! Hemlocks have been in severe decline for 25 years and dying everywhere.
ALL KILLED by invasive asian insects!
Forest regeneration poor at best due to invasive species like stilt grass and barberry in many locations

But I hear our forests are in decline due to global warming!
I live in Pa and our forests in the North east are in real trouble in many locations. I cringe when I hear the experts mentioning global warming as a contributing cause. It is impossible with an open mind not to see the real picture what has & continues to happen here. The decline started in the 1920's.
American Chestnut blight hit the USA in central park NY in the 1890's from infected asian trees planted in central park. By the late 1940's 99% of all american chestnut trees where dead in eastern Pa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our forestry experts at the time recommended we manage our forests for various oak species. The chestnuts occupied 30% of the forests and in the poorest soils and rocky steep slopes and mountain sides often more that 60% of the area was chestnut. The oaks filled the gap but have been in decline off and on and now severe decline from multiple years of gypsy moth" asian invader" damage various root dysfunction issues. All our ash trees are dying due to the emerald ash borer another invader. I mean every American ash tree is dead or declining. The forest floor in many areas is totally covered with japanese stiltgrass another invader which chokes out all seedling species except Japanese Barbary which the two partner well together but it too is an invader. Then we have the Hemlocks in severe decline from hemlock woolly adelgid another asian invader . American Chesnut extinct by 1950, oaks in severe decline in many of the poor sites becuase they never occupied those locations, Ash will be totally gone in 5 years every one! Hemlocks have been in severe decline for 25 years and dying everywhere.
ALL KILLED by invasive asian insects!
Forest regeneration poor at best due to invasive species like stilt grass and barberry in many locations

But I hear our forests are in decline due to global warming!
Lots of holes in that line of thinking.
One would be whether or not the diseases you mentioned are thriving due to climatic factors ie, warmer or more dramatic weather swings weakening trees. Scientific studies are the only way to know.
If we had a valid study to show one way or another people from the other side would just disregard as fake and continue thinking in their own little box.
You do realize that Pennsylvania is only 46000 sq mi of the earths 196.9million
Yours or my local facts and observations are merely a fraction of a percent of the global reality.
I love when people say things like "warm in Idaho for January must be global warming" because I then know how much they think they know. They always think that Im laughing with them:)

I am just smart enough to know that Im not a climate scientist and Ill just trust the 80+ percent of the world's climate scientists who believe in human caused global warming.
If anyone would like to lay out how they dispute the use of radioactive isotopes from the burning of fossil fuels as a method to track atmospheric conditions. I would like to read what you write.
Im not however going to read a bunch of quotes and links that you yourself likely don't understand.
glaciers be damned...i am afraid one of these days the granola types will put up a sign saying Texas elk hunters cause climate change...
I live in Pa and our forests in the North east are in real trouble in many locations. I cringe when I hear the experts mentioning global warming as a contributing cause. It is impossible with an open mind not to see the real picture what has & continues to happen here. The decline started in the 1920's.
American Chestnut blight hit the USA in central park NY in the 1890's from infected asian trees planted in central park. By the late 1940's 99% of all american chestnut trees where dead in eastern Pa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our forestry experts at the time recommended we manage our forests for various oak species. The chestnuts occupied 30% of the forests and in the poorest soils and rocky steep slopes and mountain sides often more that 60% of the area was chestnut. The oaks filled the gap but have been in decline off and on and now severe decline from multiple years of gypsy moth" asian invader" damage various root dysfunction issues. All our ash trees are dying due to the emerald ash borer another invader. I mean every American ash tree is dead or declining. The forest floor in many areas is totally covered with japanese stiltgrass another invader which chokes out all seedling species except Japanese Barbary which the two partner well together but it too is an invader. Then we have the Hemlocks in severe decline from hemlock woolly adelgid another asian invader . American Chesnut extinct by 1950, oaks in severe decline in many of the poor sites becuase they never occupied those locations, Ash will be totally gone in 5 years every one! Hemlocks have been in severe decline for 25 years and dying everywhere.
ALL KILLED by invasive asian insects!
Forest regeneration poor at best due to invasive species like stilt grass and barberry in many locations

But I hear our forests are in decline due to global warming!

Yep, your elbow is just fine.
Doctor: " I'm going to give it to you straight, all the most advanced cat scans, MRIs, Xrays, and blood work all show this disease is killing you. You only have a short time to start this treatment to save your life. All of our studies, tests and trials with the most modern medicine, science and technology back up this course of action"..
Patient: "That's bullshit doc, see? My elbow is just fine."
You don't think doctors can be wrong? Docs gave my grandpa less than 2 years to live. That was 8 years ago, and guess whose still kicking ass?

Will it?
life on earth 4.5 billion years, humans on earth 200,000 years. A minimum of 5 cataclysmic events that have caused mass extinction to as little as 25% and as much as 90% of species at the time of each event. 99.9% of every species that has ever existed is extinct. All of that long before the first gas engine, coal plant, or herd of farting cows came along. 125,000 years ago the polar regions were significantly warmer, sea level was 4-6 meters higher. We could stop combustion of every single fossil fuel tomorrow and the powers of the universe, a space rock, a super volcano, a few degrees of change in the axis of the earths rotation could wipe us out the next day. What evidence exists that the current or past climate is the best climate for the most diversity of species including humans?

Does any of that mean we should destroy the planet? Of course not, we should use the power of education, innovation and the free market to come up with solutions that benefit all the worlds people/creatures both economically and environmentally. We can have both.

I was taught very young that you shouldn’t bring up a problem unless you have a solution. The religion of climate change is pushing a political agenda, they have no viable solutions. By their own definitions, projections, and predictions the only logical solution would be the extermination of a large portion of the earths human population and the remaining people to forget every invention since the industrial revolution and live like cavemen.
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I'll say what needs to be said...

Global warming advocates are stupid. Arguments are based off of speculations. Whereas normal humans look at history and say ah dang look at that. The world has been rising and falling in temperature for many years!

That’s a brave statement, I tried to stay out of this one but you put it on a tee. Calling it “global warming” is an uneducated term from both sides of the argument. The proper term is climate change, which in all reality, if you look at the studies says that weather events will be more harsh, variable, and different. Some areas will be hotter, some will have colder/longer winters, weather events like hurricanes will be more severe and frequent. And overall global temperatures will rise slightly. No one can absolutely prove that it is solely caused by humans and no one can prove humans have no affect.

That being said, why settle for sub par. Do you set up your tree stand in an “ok” spot on the property, glass an “ok” chunk of blowdown, fish in an “ok” lake, or do you try to make for the best experience possible. I live in Denver and when the pollution is so thick I can hardly see the mountain I grew up in and spend my free time it makes me sick. So for all of us that love to spend our time in the outdoors, why not try to preserve it and make it the best for ourselves, and leave it better than we got it for our children.

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