Chinese surveillance balloon over Montana?


What are the benefits of meme's that spread misinformation, that were created explicitly to humiliate our current president? Right, wrong, or indifferent he's still your president and leader of the United States of America

What would it take for people to stop trying to put down the "other side" in the name of America and actual American interests?

Progress starts by holding ourselves accountable to the standards we want to see from our gov't.

I'm committing to posting zero political meme's in the future.
View attachment 263766

What are the benefits of meme's that spread misinformation, that were created explicitly to humiliate our current president? Right, wrong, or indifferent he's still your president and leader of the United States of America

What would it take for people to stop trying to put down the "other side" in the name of America and actual American interests?

Progress starts by holding ourselves accountable to the standards we want to see from our gov't.

I'm committing to posting zero political meme's in the future.
@neffa3 better?
View attachment 263766

What are the benefits of meme's that spread misinformation, that were created explicitly to humiliate our current president? Right, wrong, or indifferent he's still your president and leader of the United States of America

What would it take for people to stop trying to put down the "other side" in the name of America and actual American interests?

Progress starts by holding ourselves accountable to the standards we want to see from our gov't.

I'm committing to posting zero political meme's in the future.
It’s a meme………. Literally biden as Sun Tzu….. if someone takes it as actual information that’s their problem. I will continue to post political memes. They’re funny because politicians suck and deserve ridicule.
"they" are us. We're the ones driving the ship toward the rocks.
No. They are not. They “were” us until they get into office then they get ingrained in the system. Then the media pushes what they want so they can get the creeps re-elected for the crony political system. The republicans have a bunch of people who like to argue and create a show, the democrats have a bunch of empty suits who follow the leader no matter what. Eric Swallwell’s IQ can’t be more that 90. It pains me to watch someone so stupid talk like he knows what’s going on. The amount of our money that gets funneled into special interests is unreal. I mean our government just loses track of billions of dollars and somehow nobody knows a thing. The “smart” ones are crooks and the dumb ones are there to toe the line.

Do not ever say I’m the same as a politician again or we’ll have some real problems.

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