Capital Punishment

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
Why get happy about Scott Peterson getting the Death Penalty if he is most likely to die before his it is his turn to get injected???

I know that in Washington and California these Fockers sit on their butt for 30 years or more on our dime when they should be killed the next day!!!!

Here is something I read off the California Department of Correction web page

The cost of carrying out an execution in California is difficult to assess. The average cost to house an inmate is about $26,894 per year. Staff assigned to the execution team receive their regular, budgeted salaries. The cost of the execution procedure, including the chemicals utilized, is minimal. "

Am I the Only one who thinks we should not waste 25 grand a year on these guys who are better off dead….

Washington and California both reinstated capital punishment in 1977 but California has not killed anyone sine January 2002 and Washington has not Killed anyone since August 2001

This is Bull!!!!

Weed out the Fokers who deserve to DIE...KILL KILL KILL!!!

OH Yeah

Happy Holidays :D
I'm not a big fan of Texas, but I sure love their fast lane to the lethal injection! I think we should adopt some Texas justice!
I say keep them all as alive as they can earn. Granted, it's not exactly a free ride, but it's better than a lot of these guys have it on the outside. They get food and a place to sleep. They don't have to wonder about what to do the next day. I say put them to work and let them earn the cost of their meals and keep. If they don't work, they live on green bologna and stale bread. Put them to work making blue jeans or cooking untesiles or something. Anything that will defer the cost of thier maintainence.

danr55 said:
I say keep them all as alive as they can earn. Granted, it's not exactly a free ride, but it's better than a lot of these guys have it on the outside. They get food and a place to sleep. They don't have to wonder about what to do the next day. I say put them to work and let them earn the cost of their meals and keep. If they don't work, they live on green bologna and stale bread. Put them to work making blue jeans or cooking untesiles or something. Anything that will defer the cost of thier maintainence.

Danr, problem with that is they are taking jobs away from those who deserve a life....
If they did work it should be something that absolutly no one wants to do, like being human test subjects for drugs,cosmetics, ect. they should be required to have to farm on the prison grounds to make the place self sustained. we should not be buying any food for them. They should fertilize crops with thier own shit, they should have no TV, no exersise equipment, it should be a place of hell.
I'm with elkchaser--but really let's send them thru one of those wood chippers feet first--on a very slow setting---chris
The death penalty is just that, DEATH. so dont keep em around, lets some some hair smoke!

As for those that dont get the death penalty, I agree with Schmalts.
JohnSWA said:
I'm not a big fan of Texas, but I sure love their fast lane to the lethal injection! I think we should adopt some Texas justice!

God Bless Texas.... I am Say we should not waste another Dime on them except the price it cost to inject them....

Actually in Washington a Man can elect to be hung!! That is Very interesting....
*fertilize with their own shit*...............what a grand idea! :D
What ever happened to the days of the chain gangs and work farms? I know in some placxes they still exists, but more of them would be nice. Keeping the roads and hiways clean of litter, self sustaining meals for them to eat, sounds good to me. Do away with all the frills that they now have.
There is to many people that have finished collage that wear their feelings on their shirt sleeves that have also gotten into places of power that think it is better for a man to sit in a cell and do nothing than to get out and stay busy for the day and come home to tired to think of doing wrong. I would be 110% in agreement with these things all coming back into use. There has to be 10,000 jobs that we could put them at that would benefit society as a whole and give them a little feeling of self worth.
Well there a pro and a con to putting them to work. We all know that when your busy time seems to pass faster. They need worthless demeaning jobs where they hate every minute of it. That way we can get things done and they'll still be miserable. Sherriff Arpio does that for them here. Makes em clean the hiways and streets on chain gang in zebra suits.
For those of you who would not support capital punishment read this then explain to me why this POS should not die right away. I'd volunteer to start his IV's for his lethal injection, which by the way as a medical professional I feel is way too humane for these SOB"s


Judge Sentences Mundt to Death

A man cried and apologized Wednesday as a judge sentenced him to die for raping his girlfriend's 7-year-old daughter, beating her and drowning her in an abandoned well.

Fred Mundt Jr., 30, stopped short of admitting that he killed Brittany Hendrickson, and said he will appeal. Mundt was convicted in December, and the judge followed the jury's recommendation that he be sentenced to death.

Brittany's mother, Misty Hendrickson, and her three children lived with Mundt in Lebanon, a community of about 200 people about 80 miles southeast of Columbus.

She told authorities she left the children with Mundt while she played bingo. He first claimed the girl wandered away while he was asleep.

A psychologist testified in the trial's sentencing phase that Mundt told her he raped Brittany and considered taking her to a hospital. Instead he stuffed her in the well about a mile away and threw rocks at her until she stopped screaming.

The coroner ruled that Brittany drowned in the well and had her skull broken from the beating. The coroner also found evidence of past physical and sexual abuse.

(Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Mal, That one should be drug behind a truck through the Arizona desert until he is almost dead. Then let him heal and drag him again.

The scary thing is I was reading this thread, and the OH news from another site, and I found that story. I personally think death is too good for him, and since he has confessed F^$*( the appeals kill the bastard, and do it slowly.
I have often times thought about becoming a police officer. Been doing Martial Arts for 15 years now and everything. Went to a academy for awhile but I just couldnt decide if I was cut out for it. Reason being, if I was to come across that MFSOB or one like him that Mal just sited, I dont think I could keep control of myself. That goes for spousal beaters and child molesters/abusers as well. I patroled with my cousin several times (he is a Sheriff) and for the most part I loved every minute of it but the fear of a call like that scared me to death. Rodney King would like a charity case compared to what I would do to him.