camp pics

ted nudge say ---> where have we seen this befor.

any body watch ted hunting will know what I mean.


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this guy/girl was alittle shy.

just like woman at times I got the cold shoulder on this pic :D hump it was not me that said it see :cool: .


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here is a show off if I ever seen one

this fellow was show boating and strutting his/her self off.


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a few more pics

here another few picks .


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I need help

I try to ask for road side assitance but these guys were not into the helping mood.I think they was waiting for nascar to come on.


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guess ?

[WRAPR]test[/WRAPR] [WRAPL]testing[/WRAPL] take a guess what this is .


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few more pics again.

I just notice i'm a senior post *lol* I feel like a senior at times .


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well those pics up there ^ suck.

here a familar face just floating around.


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And we got to wait.

I will post ( THE LEGEND) on a later day.ok this is all I got for now and now I got to ask someone a question. How do you post a message after the picture ? I got to get my tummy full so later.

Get all the rest you can when you can , I know that feeling. Every thing takes time and the days does not seem long enought.Wish that the rain weather came this way for a good two days of light rain.I tell you with all the heat here we can not keep A/C in stock . And my back is killing me right now. At of all places to work in to store I pick hardware. Any ways I think I'm going to take a cool/cold shower and lay on the bed and cool off.Later everyone.
hey guys,went fishing tonight , got a few,i forgot my camera,i wish i could have shared the scenery with you,and a wonderful sunset,man,life is good,makes you relize how the simple things in life are truly amazing....big ben.....
humm fishing with out a camera , sounds like a fish story *lol*. What did you catch ben. Trout or salmon, I see you are in the joke room as I type this. will see if you are in the chat room after i'm done. If so then we will chat if not i'm going to go to bed and sleep my butt off. later all and have a good one.
sorry i missed you trent,the fish i caught were not camera worthy,small little buggers hump ,just tuning up the fly rod for some real action.going up to miramichi for salmon pretty soon,the runs are starting to come up the big salmon are coming up now followed by a run of grills,end of june should be prime time,we got crown reserve on the 8 th of july,hopefuly we will get lucky.i have to admit i have been fishing hard the last few years with not much luck,i think its time thing turn arround my way hump
I think I need to get out and try my luck at the trout here, need to bare the heat and get some wormie dug up.Right now it is hot here, I got to much sun out side today from helping out at the daughter house fixing it up.Any ways I need to try to get some food into me and that might help me feel better. or a good stif drink will either fixs me or kill me. have a good one and catch some great tasting salmon. wife makes a great oven fry and topping with salmon. ummmmmmmm maybe I will talk her into it.
tyr this again

Ok I started a message and had to shut down because we were ask out by our daughter for lunch.Now i'm back and was going to ask how the fishing went Ben ? did you catch any pan fry.I went back out and try to put fan in but was not to well so I stop and relax. call in sick from wally world and lay back and enjoy our A/C in the bedroom. today feeling better as you can tell by us going out and eating *LOL*.Well as much as the day off was from yesturday I got to go in today and work so later for now .

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