Caribou Gear Tarp

Bush hits the campaign trail...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
I see Bush is hard at it, trying to get votes from "his" people.

Where else but on the NASCAR track...Daytona 500.

Next week he'll follow up this campaigning effort as Ring Announcer at a WWF show...

Then he'll get real serious at the Monster Truck Rallies.

Go Bush!
So whats wrong with him liking nascar??????
If thats all the anti bush crowd can bitch about they are in for a ass whipping in november!!

Oh and by the way the race was fuggin great!!!
michaelr, I dont think shrub will be whipping any ass in November.

I think he's on a pretty serious slide, economy sucks, 2 million net job loss, ridiculous illegal plan, war support is on the skids, military record in question, no WMD's, no bin laden...etc. etc. etc.

Its just funny where he chooses to drum up support. :D

I wonder how many extra fingers and banjo's there are at the typical NASCAR race???
You are so freaking blind.
Nascar......#1 spectator sport in america. and anybody who makes the comment you did really proves that they are probably the one with extra's. extra what ?????? I'll leave that to yout imagination.
Economy......on the mend, bush inherited a terrible situation and has turned it around, Most people will recognize that. (9-11, enron, ect, ect,) its a wonder that the economy is doing as well as it is??
The war on terror..... Do you really want somebody like jane fonda loving kerry running it?
Bush may not be perfect, but he is the best of the choices we are getting.
Bush may not be perfect, but he is the best of the choices we are getting.
So very sad, yet at the same time possibly so very true. Looks like I may not be voting again this time.

If you don't vote, don't bitch. A lot of people would die for the opportunity that you want to pass on. At least vote for a suitable right-in or 3rd party canidate. It does send a future message even if your candidate doesn't win.


You said the economy sucks. Where do you come up with ideas like this? The left wing lemming sites you like to visit for information? Does it suck for you personally or all of America? Right now there is a lot of opportunity out there, but you have to actually work. If you believe that this countries economy actually sucks, you need to visit a few other countries in the world, and you also need to start to look from within. There are no guarentees in this country, and success or failure is entirely up to you.


For me personally, the economy is pretty good. I've never made more money than I am right now. You should know by now the government looks out for its employees.

But, for the 2 million unemployed, I dont think its that great. Bush is on track for a huge defecit and being the first president since Herbert Hoover to suffer a net job loss in an administration. Those types of things dont usually make for a healthy economy...agreed?

My stocks and mutual funds arent doing too bad, but nothing close to what they did in the 90's. Every time theres sign of life, the market tanks. Did you notice the drop just a few days ago?

Oh, and Michael, the reason Bush was elected is probably because of something you said, "Nascar......#1 spectator sport in america."

I think theres a correlation sad as it is.

How many of the unemployed have decided to become self employed and are off the radar sceen? And if you are chronically unemployed in this country today then you need to look within for the problem. You can blame the current administration if you want, but thats a cop out.

I noticed the recent correction in the stock market, that happens, so what? I bought, what did you do? Do you know why the stock market dipped a little?

And finally what can this administration or whom ever gets the nod in November do to improve the economy? Fire all the deadwood government employees?

Oh, and Michael, the reason Bush was elected is probably because of something you said, "Nascar......#1 spectator sport in america."

I think theres a correlation sad as it is.
Buzzard, when you start bagging on a huge segment of the american people with statements like that, it really show YOUR true colors "as sad as it is"

Grow the #*^@#* up :eek:
Hey michaelr, I'm sorry the truth is so painful..

Try an original comeback next time too.

Oh, and Yeah Paul, I do know why the market dipped...consumer confidence was poor and Greenspans report didnt help either.

One easy thing the current administration or the incoming one could do is to try to stop jobs from heading over-seas or to Mexico. Another big thing would be to deal with illegal immigration, mainly keep them out and send them home. Man, you have no idea how it pains me to agree with cjcj on anything...ouch! But, I agree to the point that the borders need to be sealed and the last thing we need is a plan like Dubyas in "dealing" with the illegal work force.

But, hey, thats just a few things I'd do to help out the American worker.

I also realize that no matter what, you'll still have unemployment by those who choose that lifestyle. I just dont think the high unemployment rates we're seeing right now are all people who are choosing to be unemployed.

[ 02-16-2004, 14:38: Message edited by: BuzzH ]

Your the master at building a consensus. I'm in favor of sealing the borders right now as well. Is there a candidate out there that is in favor of this? If so, he's got my vote, no matter how kooky he is on any other issue.

You like to constantly attack Bush using fact or fiction to support your position. You have yet to offer support for a suitable candidate to replace him. You have yet to attack any of the Democratic candidates either. That would make you a defacto Kerry supporter, correct? How does Kerry stand on any of these issues that makes him more electable than Bush? If you don't like Kerry, than who do you like?

Paul, I told you, you know the type of people I'd endorse for president. They arent running, unfortunately.

Also, I dont think theres too many fictional things in the list I provided.

The economy isnt that good, Bush has an iffy record of military service, theres no WMD's, we still dont have bin laden, we're in a quaqmire in Iraq, the defecit is huge and growing daily, unemployment is the highest its ever been, the illegal problem is not popular, environmental record is the poorest in 20 years, foreign relations are the worst they've been for decades, etc. etc. etc.

Thats not doing a good job. I can overlook not having good policy on a few items, but this is a little ridiculous.

What if Powell runs as V. P.? Did you hear what Powell said to the weasel trying to slam Bush's military record the other day? Pretty good man, Mr. Powell is.

Remember the tabloid list on Bush you posted a while back. How much of that was fact? Fess up Buzz. You would hve been much more proud of that piece of garbage you posted if more people would have supported you on it. Instead you cut and run, calling it a joke. Buzz, your the real joke!

Paul, I didnt call it a joke.

It was a bit tongue-in-cheek though, mixed with some facts.

I realize that you have no real defense of most of the things on that list and my list above. Hey, the truth hurts...
On the drive to work, I see at least 5 places that have "Now hiring" or "Now taking applications" signs out. They have been there for at least 3 weeks. But they are mostly factories, canneries, food processing polaces, etc. - not white collar jobs. Maybe people don't want to get their hands dirty?
LMAO "Joe Brandy Snifter." That's good.

I doubt we'll see Powell run for any major public office; I think his integrity and lack of partisanship will prevent it. I might be wrong, but I bet in his heart of hearts the war in Iraq has pushed him to the limit of where he'll go for politicians. He strikes me as a basically fair and honest man, and there's currently very little room for those in Washington.

You said:

"I realize that you have no real defense of most of the things on that list and my list above. Hey, the truth hurts..."

No Buzz, I'm just waiting for the bait to come out you ass before I set the hook!

About those "2 million" unemployed Americans... How many of them are unemployed as a direct or indirect result of the 5700 companies that flurished under Slick Willies "Offer your stock without any supporting financial data" policy and have since filed bankruptcy while the officers are retired in Brazil? Several old, large companies were destroyed because of the FPO scandals and the ".com" stocks that crashed. That has to have had some impact on the employment numbers..


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