Books on CD?


Dec 28, 2009
Prosper, TX
Facing over 40 hours in the truck driving to/from hunts by myself in the next 6 weeks my buddy recommended I get some books on CD. He has access to a good sized audio library and just needs to know what I would like.

I am not a big reader, other than Hunting Magazines and the like, so any recommendations are appreciated.

Thoughts so far are a couple Tom Clancy books that never made it to the movies.
Without Remorse and The Cardinal in the Kremlin.

Also, my father in law is a severe right winger and have thought about one of Glenn Beck's books to see what he is so ate up about.


Dude, I was going to put a "Extremely Right Wing" bumper sticker on your car when we meet up in Wyo. You being in Texas and all I was worried you may already have one.
Clancy's ok...Robert Parker's western stuff, James Lee Burke, Cormac McCarthy all good...hunt trips are supposed to be fun, stay away from talking heads like Beck.
I am a Books on CD whore!!! :D Love 'em for long drives. I usually go to the library and put 'em on my Ipod. I like series of books and the following are a couple I've enjoyed:

Clive Cussler; Oregon Files Series
WEB Griffin; Presidential Agent Series
Barry Eisler; John Rain Series
Cormac McCarthy; Border Triology
Lee Child - Reacher series
James Patterson - Alex Cross
Stephen Hunter - Bob Lee Swagger

Aolng with others mentioned above.
My wife and I have three canvas carry bags overfull. Try:
David Baldacci
Robert Crais
Stuart Woods, and a real brain burner is a 22 disc piece called CHAINFIRE by Terry Goodkin

If you have access to a Books-a-Million store they have a discount rack with some pretty good deals if you do this sort of thing. We're on the road a lot and it sure helps the time go.
Not sure where your local library is but they probably have a selection of books.
3 years ago my family and I compiled a list from others we found on the internet. It was a list of the top 25 books of all time. We promised to read each book. Many of them have been a disappointment. Kerouac- on the road (sucked) Checkovs-short stories(sucked)
Great gatsby (sucked) Lots of them were awful BUT!!!!
I really enjoyed crime and punishment (dostoevsky), I really enjoyed Great expectations (Dickens)
I am presently being bored stiff by Pride and predjudice.
Not to get all churchy on you but it's also a good chance to catch up on some religeous content.
I also like to audio of smart guys and listen to them. My favorite so far is Stephen Hawking as he muses the universe in general and black holes specifically. I disagree with most of what he says on an eternal basis but I love how his brain works and how he presents material.
Good luck on your trips!!

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