Body or head shot


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Not Virginia anymore!
I've been contemplating chasing turkeys with a bow this spring since I've had some luck with the shotgun the last few years. For those of you who bow hunt these critters, do you go after the head or take a body shot? It looks like a %#$@show watching the few shows I've seen with guys sticking turkeys with a bow. I'm leaning towards the all or nothing shot, but wanted to get some feedback from those of you with a little more experience.

Theres my answer! I've connected the last two years with body shots and it puts them down pretty fast. I won't hunt turkeys with a shotgun again, its just to fun with a bow.

I even bought a now bow and blind for this season, I can't wait!!

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If they are close enough and your a good enought shot, a head or neck shot would certainly be thrilling on turkey, but most likely you'll end with a body shot if you want meat in the freezer. You can certianly go with the goal of a head shot, and if the variables (distance, wind, motion of bird, position of bird, temp) don't allow it, then take the body.


What part of the state do you hunt turkeys? I was thinking about tromping around the southern edge of RMNP, i.e. Indian Peaks Wilderness, etc.
May not be the best to give advice, since I have only taken one bird with a bow and it was from a tree stand in the fall. I stuck him straight through the back bone and on into the ground kinda pinned him down, which was nice.

This will be my my first spring hunt with the bow, and all the advice I have been given says body shot. They also say "hit em high watch em die, hit em low and watch em go" I guess I will find out in April. Good luck to you:)
Go for the body. Get one down with the bow, then go for the heads. Good time with the bow. Try spot and stalking for a real hunt.
If you are going for a body shot shoot for the legs broadside and base of tail walking away. I like head shots myself all or nothing:D


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Close range I go for the base of the neck. A little longer distance shoot for the hips or facing away put one right up the pie hole.

Best of luck!
If going the head route, look at the heads designed for that shot (bullhead, guillotine, etc.). Lots of folks around here that have good luck with the bullhead and victory arrows.

If going the body route, use the biggest expandable you can get. I'll be using the 2" hammerhead and/or 1 3/4" jakhammer this spring. That's because I'm too cheap to get the other heads! Looking forward to chasing turks again after a 5 year hiatus.
When not in a ground blind, I've always gone for the traditional "texas heart shot." Makes drawing much easier and unseen as well.

HUNTMAN, love the head shot pics!
My deep bow turkey experience.

First off, I probably missed 35 of those stupid things. I was always reading how to hit them. Hey, I was living in Iowa, what else was I suppose to do? I decided the top of the drumsticks was the shot to take. I finally hit one right there perfect, 15 yards. I watched in disbelief as he flys away. I couldn't believe it. The arrow with a fixed blade muzzy actually bounced back out. He probably makes it 150 yards or so and falls out of the sky. Very strange.
I am glad I am into raving instead these days.
ive shot both body and head shots on turkeys. however, i did the head shot just to say ive done it, but i always go with body shots now. i have yet to lose a bird ive shot with my bow. i use rage broadheads and have found great success with those due to the fact that they dont pass through. best of luck!
mdunc my 1st bow kill was a body shot. The bird went straight up and crashed. Even shooting a 180 pd Ten Point Crossbow at 325 fps The arrow only went in about 8", darn birds are made of Kevlar :D
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