Ben Nicholson
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  • Looks like I can send/receive PMs. Feel free to hit me up with any questions.
    Ben Nicholson
    Ben Nicholson
    Thanks for confirming my thoughts. They seem like a quality operation. I tend to be a DIY hunter, but this is a once in a lifetime tag, and I've never moose hunted so I think it's best to use a guide. I'm thinking I'll toss in my 20ga in case I tag out early so I can chase grouse for a couple of days. How's the grouse population up there?
    The grouse population should be phenomenal this year. Last year was a bumper crop and it was an incredibly early and dry spring so grouse numbers should be through the roof. Good luck planning the hunt, it really is a once in the lifetime tag now, it's a very fun hunt in beautiful country. There are some very big bulls out there (many sheds and pics). Don't hesitate to pass along any other questions.
    Ben Nicholson
    Ben Nicholson
    Thanks! Have a great season this fall!
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