Blister Prevention/Maintenance


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
Yesterday I threw on the pack and boots and went for a trail hike to put more miles on the new boots before heading up the mountain friday morning. I got a small blister on both of my little toes and was too late with the moleskin. I have moleskin on them now and will be taking it easy until friday.

If they still irritate by thursday night, what is the best course of action for friday? Moleskin and vasaline?? I feel like an idiot but any help would be appreciated.
Duct tape. Prior to them getting 'hot' is preferable. IME it beats moleskin all to heck. Antiperspirant on the feet help as well.

PS-I can show pictures of blisters if need be... ;)
Before I got my Lowas I'd get them on the first hike of the year. Moleskin would just come off so I would circle the blistered toe with electrical tape and it worked great. You had to be careful to clean off any residue or it would stick to your socks, but I think it would be better in that regard than duck tape.

Duck tape might stick better on places like your heel. Do you have any problems getting it off without tearing the blister open?
Duct tape. Prior to them getting 'hot' is preferable. IME it beats moleskin all to heck. Antiperspirant on the feet help as well.

Yeah otherwise be sure to put something between the hotspot and the tape. I made the mistake of not having some moleskin between and ended up pulling off a bunch of skin...that'll keep you crippled and sensitive to just about everything for an extra week.

I've also suggest stopping to air out your feet when they feel hot.
Buy this apply to skin of key areas of feet before first hike: Leukotape Sports Tape. $10 on amazon and lasts easily a week when I am in backcountry. Little tip that might sound funny but trim all hair off toes before you do but the tape just works!

Keep your feet as dry as possible... change socks often, use liner socks, antiperspirant, etc. The fit makes a huge difference.

I've heard that people soak their feet in salt water for a short time the weeks/months prior to long hikes/runs to toughen them up?

I'm lucky that I rarely get blisters and have tough feet. I know that if I keep them dry it helps a ton with hot spots though.
I've never heard of Leukotape, but the comments indicate it is used for blister prevention more than its intended purpose. What makes it better than duct or electrical tape?
I use thin sock liners and a good merino wool sock. I also put some goldbond foot powder on as well. This served me well in Iraq and Kuwait where temps were very high and feet sweat a lot and also on long road marches in training.
I wrap my water bottles in duct tape and use it for field repairs of all types (including my body). I rarely get hotspots, but when one pops up duct tape right away works fine for me.
Another vote for tape. My fire boots kill my little toes and heels, so I always tape my feet before going on fire. I don't care for all the sticky residue duct tape leaves, but it does the trick. I prefer regular old athletic tape. This is the first I've heard of Leukotape, but sounds like it does the trick too!
Before I got my Lowas I'd get them on the first hike of the year. Moleskin would just come off so I would circle the blistered toe with electrical tape and it worked great. You had to be careful to clean off any residue or it would stick to your socks, but I think it would be better in that regard than duck tape.

Duck tape might stick better on places like your heel. Do you have any problems getting it off without tearing the blister open?
If you have a blister, taking off the duct tape will take the blister off with it. Once I put it on, it's one for the duration of the trip. Longest was a stretch of 10 days looking for sheep in ID. I put it on at the trailhead and took it off back at the trailhead. Duct tape, polypro sock liner and wool socks work for me. That said, I haven't needed the duct tape with my current boots. The K-treks never did quite fit my heel right...
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