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Black eye for Federal Wildlife Workers

I saw this article on Facebook a few days ago. What amazed me, was how it got plea bargained down to what seems like minimum fines and consequences for those involved. I can see making a deal with the guy whose suspected of the least involvement to get him to fess up. But for the shooter and his main accomplices, I'd think he'd go down for the Felony(s). They have the Samson law in Colorado for taking trophy big game, and it doesn't look like he got hammered with that? I wonder if he's still working for USFW?
2 black eyes this week.

In NM F&W folks caught falsifying reports on wolves.
They might get delisted now.
Here's the report hank4elk is talking about.’-mexican-gray-wolf-program The PDF within the link takes you to the actual report.

The issue is mainly tied to a staffer who was 'overly-passionate' about wolves who has since been reassigned. The term "Falsifying" seems a little extreme. More like negligent job performance. Small potatoes overall really.... Whether one is pro- or anti- wolf recovery, it's pretty clear that many of the issues here ultimately result from a chronically-underfunded and politically influenced reintroduction effort. They will NOT be delisted soon, unfortunately.... long way until recovery.
I'm terrible at it.
Was in Alb. Journal & SF New Mexican today. Should be in El Defensor Chieftan too.
Got notice from R-NM S. Pearce regarding delisting possibility.
I know local G&F and LEO's have had their hands full the last few years.
Sorry for the hijack.

Correction,it was in yesterdays paper & on KOB.
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Here's the report hank4elk is talking about.’-mexican-gray-wolf-program The PDF within the link takes you to the actual report.

The issue is mainly tied to a staffer who was 'overly-passionate' about wolves who has since been reassigned. The term "Falsifying" seems a little extreme. More like negligent job performance. Small potatoes overall really.... Whether one is pro- or anti- wolf recovery, it's pretty clear that many of the issues here ultimately result from a chronically-underfunded and politically influenced reintroduction effort. They will NOT be delisted soon, unfortunately.... long way until recovery.

Just reading that PDF version of the report makes my head hurt. That wingnut was not trying to screw up anything, per them, but rather things fell through cracks or the workload was sooooo demanding. Typical lack of accountability for a government union-protected worker. Nice the worker kept their job and merely was reassigned. Sure, screwed up things for years and lied then lied then altered records and never requested more help for the demanding workload but, you know, kept collecting those sweet sweet paychecks then and now. Proud to be an American knowing accountability stops at the doorstep of a union shop. God help us.
oi Bowhunt2live and hank4elk thank you both for the information. It is a tough balance between healthy predator populations and native and domestic ungulate populations, but it really does not appear we are quite at a delisting point for the wolves but maybe someday
Pearce stuck an amendment in a budget bill.
Obummer will probably veto it,but then again he is just as much in the bag as Pearce.
Typical of the idiots that underfund the Dept's they oversee.
Bet his defense buddies are doing good. Love those $600 hammers.

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