Best antelope stalk ever - IDBugler

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Given New Mexico has issued their 2014 regulations, this morning I decided to pull up some old New Mexico episodes. This Season Two archery pronghorn hunt with IDBugler is the not only a great hunt with a great friend, but the final stalk is the best stalk I have ever seen on an antelope; IDBugler could write a book on this.

I watched him do it as it happened and have seen it dozens of times on film. Still shake my head on how Bryce did it. Second best antelope stalk I've ever seen is the stalk Bryce pulled off the following year.

Not sure how a guy of his size makes himself so invisible to sharp-eyed pronghorn, but somehow, someway, he can do it. To watch it, click on the photos or the link below


If you are interested in reading the entire story as it unfolded, here is a link to the live hunt. It was a ton of fun. I hope NM lets me come back again this year.

That was an amazing stalk and it has had me thinking we could learn something about antelope behavior. When antelope have not been pressured, like in an archery only season, it makes me wonder if this approach would be worth trying. Antelope know they can outrun virtually any predator. By not "sneaking" the antelope know he has good tabs on you and can flee when he chooses. I'd like to play around with this sometime, and it doesn't even have to be antelope season to try it out.

I have often found at low light (first or last 30 minutes) you can walk in amazingly close with the sun at your back. One of the first stalks my wife did while hunting was on antelope in the final minutes of daylight and she still can't believe how close we got.
Since I watched the first four seasons in Dec, it hadn't been that long since I had see it. Then again, I didn't have any better offers for my next 20 min and I remembered how cool it was…….so I re-watched it. That's one of those episodes that you never get tired of watching.
I have often found at low light (first or last 30 minutes) you can walk in amazingly close with the sun at your back. One of the first stalks my wife did while hunting was on antelope in the final minutes of daylight and she still can't believe how close we got.

That is exactly my experience, also. The first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes. For whatever reason, their depth perception seems to be very compromised at low light.

This stalk of Bryce's was at 6pm in mid-August. Still an hour or so from that low light period.
That is exactly my experience, also. The first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes. For whatever reason, their depth perception seems to be very compromised at low light.

I think that's right on Randy. What ever makes those eyes so incredibly sharp, does not work quite right in either low, or the changing light time of day. It's definitely an Achilles heel for antelope, and a trick every good antelope hunter should have in their bag of tricks.

We once used it on a very very spooky buck that was position in the center of a massive flat grassy plain. We had tried for days to kill that buck. Finally, we moved in at very first light to finish the deal.
Fin, how hard is it to film a stalk in open country like that?

Ridiculously hard. Loren had to lag back and make sure he always had Bryce and the antelope in the camera. That makes for two human-looking objects out there. Having a lowering sun at their back was the only way it was going to work.

Loren was using a super long lens on a very tall tripod, allowing him to be closer to me. But, every time the antelope would move, Loren would have to change positions to make sure Bryce was not blocking the view of the antelope, reset the level on the tripod, reset his focus, and try to capture more. The stalk took a lot longer than what it looks like on the show.
Have you guys ever tried a similar hat for mule deer hunting? Where did you get the antelope hat at?
One of the funnest hunts I have been on. Thanks for sharing it again Randy. We need to get out and do this again....
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