Caribou Gear

Be the Decoy doe


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
northeast Iowa
I did not draw a buck tag this year, however, I went west (Wyoming) to get some antelope meat. My two cousins from Baltimore joined me.

I just had to try "spot & stalk" on a doe. I did a 150 - 200 stalk on a buck who had 7 does. I crawled slowly with my head down pretending to be grazing, as the herd was also grazing. They remained calm as I closed the distance. I got to 80 yards and the heart started to beat faster. I had a goal to get to 40 yards before the shot. I had my eye on some sage brush that I calculated was about the 40 yard range rom the does. At 55 yards the three fawns picked up thier heads and looked at me curiously. For some reason I slowly dropped to my stomach. At this point the "herd doe" looked at me and began to walk towards me. I ranged her at 44 yards as she stood broadside. I slowly rose to my knees and drew the bow. 40 yard pin above the white line of the doe & I released. She ran about 10 yards and stood in one place as she "hunched" up (typical of a antelope that has been hit). I watched and could see blood. 10 minutes later she dropped. The shot was low chest & could have been 3 inches higher.


good luck to all
the dog
Nice work dog. Super photo --- looks like you are ready for Halloween! You even went to the extent of a shirt and scarf! I did not notice 1st glance. You look hardcore, kidding, reference to another thread.

So did the cousins score too?
Weather looks perfect.
Well done sir.