Caribou Gear

AZ402 (I got Punked!)


Dec 30, 2003

it all starts when I get an Email from AZ402 requesting a hunttalk hat (2 months ago or so). Long story short, I send him the hat. Well, I figured he just paid Moosie..So i didnt bother asking for the payment.

So today, I am off with the kids and the wife calls me. She is absolutly PISSED!. First thing she says is "WTF is this CHECK from Stan Durkalec". I said whoa toots, I dont even know who that is. She proceeds to rip me a new one and "politely" asks why people are paying me for "GAY PORN". Now im all "WTF" She tells me she "intercepted" a check in the mail from Stan Durkalec to me and in the memo section of the check in huge capitol letters is "GAY PORN".

Well, I finally figure out who the hell Stan Durkalec (AZ402) is. All I can say is "I GOT PUNKED!" Oscar, Imma sign the check and send it to you... Your ass can walk into your bank and cash this thing..LOL

BTW Stan, can you recomend any good attorneys? Wife said she believed me the first time..not the second |oo

That's some funny chit! "GAY PORN"........Priceless! I wish I could have seen the look on you wife's face Browtine. :D hump :D
"GAY PORN"...... HUMmmm that reminds me when I was hunting with Greenhorn and We walked into the store and I told the Clerk my friend was a little on the shy side but was looking for some GAy porn mag's. HAHA, I never thought I could 1 up Greeny ;)

Send it over , I'll cash it with the Checks I get for Stud services, friendship payments, and illegal outfitting ;) HAHA !!
So basically your lieing about the stud services checks eh?
I have met your wife.. NO way she paid for anything unless its putting up with you :)
Gat porn? Did Stan include a picture of himself or something?? What am i missing?
Those pictures were only ment for your eyes schmalts.

Brandon, Sorry the wife got it instead of you :) Sorry it took so long to reply, I was looking at dink bulls and some scrauny pronghorns all weekend.
That is some funny chit. Let the old lady read some of these posts and she'll understand.

My advice.....LIE, DENY, and REDIRECT!! :)


By the ever going to reply to my email!!! |oo
Scott, I didnt get your email either? And I was going to ask you the same question. I sent you a pic, did you get it?
That is SO SO Funny. I once picked up some maps at our Gym from Roberts buddy Todd at the front desk. He wrote on the envelope “thanks for the good time last night”....... Ya well I got some strange looks and started laughing.... I actually explained to the front desk girl it was a joke and they were really maps.......
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