
AZ Javelina (pics)


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
I just got back from chasing javelina in AZ. Had a great time.

It wasnt a real tough hunt, but tougher than I thought it would be. The country we hunted was pretty steep for AZ. That was no big deal but glassing them little shits in the junipers and mesquite is pretty tough. I hunted with 3 buddies and we all took pigs in a week.

The javelina I took, my first one, was shot from 20 yards with a mathews bow and 100 grain thunderheads. When I hit the thing, it ran to my left then circled and ran through the juniper I was standing beside and right past me at 2-3 yards. They run pretty fast and I didnt have time to even knock another arrow for a second shot. It wasnt necessary as the pig only went another 30 yards and crashed. Fun stuff though! Saw over 50 pigs, lots of coues deer, elk, bobcats, coyotes, etc. Fun time.


Another look, I guess this is a pretty good size javelina. The guys I was with have killed about 40 pigs and they thought it was bigger than most they've shot. I just picked the largest one from a herd of 12 or so.

Great looking stink pig Buzz. Glad you enjoyed your hunt in AZ. What unit were you hunting?

Oh, and how long did it take to get the smell off?

Wow.. Those things sure are pretty!

Ya know, everytime that you post pictures, I'm hoping for some eye candy (some attractive blond hunting buddy of yours).

And here you go posting pictures of something like this. Thanks.

All kidding aside though.. cool pictures.
Congrats on the successful hunt, Buzz. Nice looking pig! Yep, that sure does look like AZ behind you.

Cool story and pics. Glad you had fun in AZ. Nice pig too.

I am going with 6a.