Atlanta Quarterback

"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football,"

Nappie headed whores=loss of job
Killing dogs for fun=maybe a little jail time and back to work

Yep, that seems fair.
Mr. White (truth is stranger than fiction sometimes!) believes that a fully employed Mr. Vick may be an asset to the NAACP in the future. Nothings "fair" in life. It's a dog eat dog world out there.
pamtman- I agree there is a disparity between the two items but it does go to show how fickle people are when it comes to the media. It also shows how careful the media has to be in comparison to others. I wouldn't stake my life savings on Vic coming back either. The NFL is going to be a lot more harsh (I believe and hope) than what the NAACP will be. The NFL has PR problems with thugs as it is. It will come down to a suspension and jail time and a lot of groveling to get back into the NFL for Vick. There are definitely those who wish to see him come back and there are definitely those who believe he should remain in jail for the rest of his life. This issue has a polarizing effect because it deals with the family pet. One interesting point, if Michael Vick were to have beat up his kids/ wife/ girlfriend the public would not be looking down on him nearly as bad. Again, it shows the fickle nature of people.
MNhunter- Here is an update to the NAACP. This is from the President/CEO of th NAACP.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Falcons quarterback Michael Vick "is not a victim" and should be held responsible for his actions involving a dogfighting ring in Virginia, the national president of the NAACP said Thursday.

"He absolutely must account for what he has done," Dennis Courtland Hayes, interim president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said in an interview with The Associated Press. He had earlier given similar comments to NBC's "Today" show.


But Hayes cautioned against condemning the Atlanta star too quickly.

"It's real clear that Mr. Vick himself would acknowledge that he has made a mistake," Hayes said. "I think there is reason to believe in his redemption."

Hayes' comments came a day after the head of the NAACP's Atlanta chapter said Vick should be allowed to return to football after the case is resolved.

"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football," Atlanta NAACP President R.L. White said.

Hayes said White and others who have come to Vick's defense are expressing an overarching frustration with disparities in the criminal justice system.

"People need to understand the backdrop as some in the African-American community make their expressions of support," Hayes said. "That backdrop includes anger and distrust with the criminal justice system that disproportionately pays attention to African-Americans and Hispanics.

"While no dog deserves to be mistreated, the backdrop includes the perception among some African-Americans that the criminal justice system treats them like animals and that nobody seems willing to do anything about the disparity."

Hayes, who said the national group did not have an official position on the case, said he didn't want to speculate about whether Vick was being treated differently because he is black.

"He may in fact be being treated better than some African-Americans and Hispanics who don't have the resources and financial means that he has," Hayes said. "On the other hand, there might be some of a different race or different ethnicity who might be treated a bit differently."

On Monday, Vick said through a lawyer that he will plead guilty to a federal charge of conspiracy to travel in interstate commerce in aid of unlawful activities and conspiracy to sponsor a dog in an animal fighting venture.

Three Vick associates have pleaded guilty to the conspiracy charge and say Vick provided virtually all the gambling and operating funds for the "Bad Newz Kennels" dogfighting enterprise. Two of them also said Vick participated in executing at least eight underperforming dogs, raising the possibility of the animal cruelty charges.
I wasn't commenting either way. I just thought it was interesting what the NAACP was saying. I think to equate dog-fighting and deer hunting in any way shows a lack of understanding of hunting. You're facing an uphill battle when talking to someone that uniformed.
I'd be darned surprised if you ever see Vick play in the NFL again. This new commissioner is tough, and I think he is gaining popularity because of it.

He can always go play in Canada or Europe for about $100K per year.

I find it hilarious. There are plenty of great athletes and good young men out there that will gladly take that job without being a pain in the azz to the team.

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