Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Ass Grass or Cash

Wasn't trying to be condescending at ALL, I was just seeing if Buzz was aware of our MEGA WEED problem here, couldn't remember how long ago it was he was here. ANyhow, I do have deep interest in this topic, but I just dont his the boards as much as I used to.
I spend a little time every day pulling a few weeds, some days I keep count, one day was like 719 STUPID Knapweeds!! My job is fairly diverse and planting disturbed areas is something I get to do a dozen times a summer. Its very gratifying to see a good lush native mix come up instead of knapweed and thistle that usually shoots up instantly on disturbed sites around here.
Today while I was out in the field I snapped a few "grass" photos and a few showing a very degraded, but Lush community. I'll try to get them up in the next few days.
When I got back to the office today I had to talk with our range con about some cows that were hammering a little creek we are doing some habitat enhancement on, and we started talking about this weed problem we have here. Its brutal. He just got assigned as our weed control specialist and he's found a couple dozen new sites that hadn't been mapped before. Serious crap too, like spurge and toadflax. Very ugly situation over here.

Buzz, they sorta put a halt to the goat/sheep method on Jumbo cause the Lake Missoula Alliance (or something like that) protested that the grazing may disturb the old shore line marks. There are some bugs they are going to be trying soon though, lets hope for the best.

Yeah, knapweed really is a piece of cake to take care of, but its so wide spread, thats the main issue now. It'll never be eradicated.

Spurge is really bad, I agree with that. I hate seeing that stuff.

I also read about the bug to control the spurge, all you can do is hope for the best.

Its really too bad that noxious weeds are so out-of-hand in Western Montana.
OK.. I'm sorry...

I just noticed last night, on the way home from running the dogs that a field on the warm springs road the guy tills every year and seems to keep some high maintenance on is almost 100% Knapweed right now.

After driving by it for years, he usually plants a blue grass of some sort for his hay field and so I didn't take notice until last night because out of the corner of my eye it has always been there...

Any way, had to take a double take, I don't know what he is raising that much for.

He could probably till it up now, it hasn't started to flower, but I think this years crop is down the drain.

Spurge is every where out here, and toadflax I see is also growing in many nooks and crannies around town here...
Well, I can say it over and over, but dang, its bad and its only gonna get worse.

Today I hiked up a good sized mountain, crossing about 6 roads from bottom to top. IT was funny, the only weeds I saw the whole hike were within 15 yards of the roads. knapweed of course.

I didn't get a chance to get those pics up, but will someday! Today I took about 280 pictures of the Lolo Creek Watershed from a Cessna 186. It was sweet, I got to scout some deer and elk country at the same time too....hehehe!
Now that would be a great way to scout...

That’s one of the things now that you mention it, I don't see near as many noxious weeds (Pics you provided) in the areas away from the roads. They are still there, but competition from other plants I think is what keeps their numbers down.

Of course I haven't been over the same amount of ground some others have, so don't have the same experience there, but do get to get into quite a bit on my own, plus that which we see when chasing fires...

The biologists are always coming around asking if we have seen any thing in that realm, so know they are always looking....
MAN this stuf is SOOOOOOOOO exciting !!!

WOW !!! Weeds !!!! ;)

Buzz, Pionter and Elkchsr... you guys are grass nerds .
Elkchsr- Another good one, with pictures is 'Weeds of the West'. If you want to get a good idea of what should be there and in what proportions, pick up a NRCS soils survey and learn to use it. They are a WEALTH of info, especially if it's a good one. They're usually done by county and if you're lucky the county your interested in is a more recent one.

Buzz- There's LOTS of research going on using goats/sheep for weed control. I know that they've been really successfull with dyer's woad and various thistles here. Haven't heard much about the knapweed or spurge as it's not too terrible where I work, but some other parts of the district have it pretty bad. I went to a talk two years ago by a Range Economist and the numbers she was quoting was that MT loses upwards of $12Million/year to leafy spurge alone!
Thanks Tyler...

I've read the brochures the county, and the game dept. puts out, there are handfulls of great info on that great resource.

Maybe when I'm in some of the other counties, I'll stop in, never thought of hitting up others, figured it would be sort of generic thru out the state...

Nope, soil survey's are done by county because they deal with more than just vegetation. Like road and home building suitability of the soils for a specific tract, etc. I don't know how much they cost, but the local library should have one or you may be able to get one or copies of one from the local NRCS office. With all the mining in the area, I'd be suprised if the ones for around there aren't quite good.
Libraries are a good idea, I don't frequent them much, but think I will, I have found quite a bit of literature in the court house here, just walk in and help yourself to the rack full of stuff... :)
With all the searching and looking and I didn't come up with this one...

It is a great site, I looked thru it, will do more in a little while...

Thanks Ernie...
I think it was Nemont that told me to focus some where else close Ernie, hold the trigger on your camera down, not quite enough to set it off and then snap the pic...

Some thing else I have been finding works well if its tall, put your hand right behind your target first, get your camera to focus, pull your hand away and snap the pic, if it's low and your taking a down ward shot, put your fit next to your target, get it to focus, pull your foot back and fire the rest of the way...

Seems to be working pretty good for close ups..

I've been thinking of taking a piece of paper so I can set the seed heads on it, then it should give a pretty good solid back drop for the camera to focus on... :)

You have the FZ if I remember correctly. Try using the spot focus. It is the last option on the first page. If you don't have the FZ, then this makes no sence to you.
Its all Greek to me Craig, I have an Olympus.

Today I picked 14 different flowering grass heads. At the office I took pics of each laying on a black folder. They came out good. I will identify them, then post the pics, soon, maybe tommorrow!