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Are you an idiot?

WV Hunter

Active member
Oct 6, 2009
We seem to have some smart people here or at least a lot of people who think they are smart. Lets see your answer to these simple math problem:

48÷2(9+3) =

This was on another forum about a year ago and recently came back up. It's pretty funny seeing all the answers.
Well I used PEMDAS....and got 2


Then I used standard order of Operations and got 288

It is just a poorly written equation made to make people look dumb.
288 is the correct answer..... 3 semesters of Calculus and and another of differential equations under my belt, so I hope like hell I can follow order of operations rules :)
Dos....I'm going to go back and edit this and change my answer to 288. If you follow the correct procedure 48/2(9+3) = 48/2(12) = 48/2 * 12 = 24*12 = 288

Following a quick google it seems this equation is considered Math Trolling
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Let me ask my 11 year old son.
( the math question, I already know his answer to the idiot question)