Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Anyone Know This Guy?

Well a few less elk after last fall.... :D


OK I'll stop hijacking the thread now.
Just zipped this funny clip over too. My friend and I hiked to Blaze in the Spanish Peaks and ran into these potsmokers camped up there. Potheads

Thread name - "Anyone know this guy?"

Brad, in the pothead video, is the son of one of my friends. You would never know it, but he is a hardcore wilderness backpack hunter.

I chit you not.

He has some really nice elk racks hanging in their garage.

He was a clean cut looking kid, until he spent 4 years going to college in Missoula. Go figure.:rolleyes:
My oldest daughter votes for the guy in the second vid every Wed night.

That Forrest Gump guy is awesome. That Appalachian Trail is a popular tent, the same one I use on most my hunts. My favorite line, "Yah, you can't beat it man."

Your insecurity is palpable...the quivering lip is a dead give away.


I'm at ease discussing firsthand accountings. Try THAT sometime,instead of blowing smoke.

You may find it rewarding.


You've reason to be frustrated in your vocation and Life in general.

Putting lettuce on Happy Meals would do it to a guy.

You go girl!


I stomped much of it(Afognak) and had my own rig,as a pard and I were the right of way "crew" for Little Hitler's road building side. Easily the smallest scoring Bulls in the State,though they have lunker bodies. Some good Bucks though.

Little Afognak River's honey-hole below the bridge(at the beaver pond),is the best Coho Fishing I've ever seen in my Life and I don't impress easily. What an amazingly tremendous run and they've some size too.

2nd best place I've ever been...................
I was lucky,as I saw/lived Oregon prior to it's being spoiled.

Of course,you are "blessed" with vicarious fixes..................
"3/4 of them work, full time" wonder how he gets his info.

Pig stick, you are a douche. A legend in your own mind and feel you have to try and prove it every place you troll with pictures and tough talk. Some day you will feel at ease with what you have really made of your life and not try to impress and put down everyone you converse with, but until then you go ahead and keep embarrassing yourself among friends here.
Big Fin... what are the odds? In all honestly those dudes up there were nice. And they could also outski Mike on the Blaze. I opted for fishing and nailed them in the upper Spanish Lakes. A 50 degree slope of ice isn't my preferred conditions, especially with over 20 miles of hiking for 3 runs.. stupid.
Taint Stick, word is you've widdled the nicknames down to two for that lame-ass stache of yours. #1-Testicle Tickler or #2-The Jizz Sponge, lets up know which one you go with.

Cyber hanky to you,to dry those alligator tears.

Say something rifle-ish,to frost the cake.

Could pick you out of a crowd at Sun Devil Stadium.

It would only take a dildo cast amidfield and a slow retrieve..................
I have no doubt that you have an enormous collection of adult toys geared towards man on man pleasure. I'd imagine they help you pass the time when it's slow at the local gloryhole.....

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