Yeti GOBOX Collection

anyone ever heard of this?


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2014
Northern Illinois
I shot a buck about 10 days ago noticed a large bald spot on his back didnt think much of it figured from fighting or going under a fence maybe. About 2 days after I butchered the buck I started noticing bites on my hands that have multiplied and spread to my arms and stomach, itches like crazy. Dr. Says it could be mites from the deer makes sense after I thought about the buck having that strangebald spot. she never heard of or saw it before. Either way the medicine they gave me doesnt seem to be helping no one I know ever heard of it before either. I cant be the only person to have gotten this?
Could be mites, but it seems like you got a rash pretty quick. Based on the distribution of your rash it kind of sounds like Sarcoptes mites? They are one of the mange mites that affect mammals. The doctor should have taken a skin scraping to confirm whether it is in fact mites and identify what type. If not, I would either go back or see someone else.

If it is mites, they should be fairly straightforward to treat once they are identified, but it is possible to transmit them to others via direct contact, shared bedding, etc.
Sounds like scabies (sarcoptic mites as above) I have had them, doctor should supply a cream that has to be applied head to toe. Its an insecticide from what I understand. 2 applications usually does it. Very contagious!
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I just broke out in a fit of itchiness! I've heard of deer passing on scabies. It has to be pretty rare though. Hope you can get it resolved quickly!
Yeah they gave me that pesticide cream but it still seems to itching just the same and looks the same maybe im just being impatient jopefully it resolves soon.
A can of Raid, a Gillette razor, and a lighter should be all you need. That would have saved you on the Dermatologist bill anyway! :confused:

Nah, I'm curious to what it is now!
Yikes! I've killed deer with spots of hair missing on their back from crossing under fences (I'm guessing) but never heard of getting mites from one. Let us know how this turns out. Hope you stop itching soon.
I had a doe two years ago like that. By the time I dragged her back to the car half the hair on that side was gone. She was an older doe and in excellent shape but I'm sure would have had difficulties making it through winter stark naked. Good luck.

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