anyone ever heard of archery tag? like paintball

There is a shop in Pueblo, Colorado that does it, I never tried it but it sounds like they had a small group of regulars. We used to play paintball on my buddies' ranch in high school though, not at those silly places with all the rules, turn the air up high enough and those things will hurt like hell and make you was a kick!
That would be a sport that I could clean my (adult) kids clocks with. I tried paintball with my sons and they murdered me. I was just an old, slow moving target for them. Archery would even the odds. I'm way better with a bow than they are.
Interesting idea. I used to play paintball back in the day. Nothing like teaching you the importance of cover and concealment when you get caught in the open and take a full auto burst of paint to your back and head...
I watched a kid shoot another kid in the fact after the foam tip had come off the arrow one time at the Denton hill archery shoot in North Central Pennsylvania.

Thankfully he had a mask on. lol
I'm obviously an old guy, from old school, but I just have never gotten into anything like this. My dad trained us constantly about not pointing any kind of gun or weapon at anything you didn't want to kill. I tried laser tag with a youth group from church one time. I was shocked they would promote the activity, and still am. I was pretty good at defense, and keeping from getting "shot" but I couldn't get over the idea of pointing the "gun" at someone and pulling the trigger. Every time I see TV shows where a gun is turned in someone's direction I cringe. Call me old or paranoid but I don't like the idea of weapons being used for toys. Maybe that and video games of death has something to do with our youth shooting each other for real.. a whole 'nother topic.

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