Antelope Hunt Check List

Spare gas can! Seems like I go thru lots of gas and usally ain't many stations around, also always have a shovel.

Second on the extra gas. I hunt some remote areas and a little insurance of 5 gallons of gas in the truck bed makes life more comfortable.
I am going to NW Nebraska in three weeks. This will be my first hunting trip solo. I have done a handful of trips out of state with other guys and or with some type of an outfitter. This will be the first camping and stuff. I wanted to get a list going so I figured I might as well keep it running on here so if I am missing anything big people can let me know.

Coolers Two
Sleeping bag, extra blanket, Pillows
Two (2) Releases
Arrows with heads
Back Pack
Range Finder
Camera Video and Still
Blind Chair
Tri Pod
Spotting Scope
Knifes (multiple)
Pelvic Saw
Gut Hook
Game Bags
Decoy (Cow and be the decoy hat)
Camp Stove
Butt Wipe
Camp Pad
Gold Bond (I have switched over to a compression short type underwear for use on a daily basis and I avoid chafing at all times. Done having kids so no worries there)
Wind Checker
Emergency Kit
Optic Cleaner

I think that is a good start. I will refer to this through the next week or so and add stuff that I forgot.

Added a few items.
Spare gas can! Seems like I go thru lots of gas and usually ain't many stations around, also always have a shovel.


Yes to the above ! A couple of the tubs of those wet wipes, one for camp and one for the truck sure help keep a person fresh. Get the scent free ones. Extra water.
Tables (Folding or roll top to save space)
Bungee Cords
Para Cord

I've added PreparationH Pads to the toiletry kit in my pack. You can get 10-packs of individually packaged wipes.
I think all of this was already mentioned but I'll say it again.
Leather gloves
Lense cloth or glass wipes
I like some sort of baby wipes, they work for wiping bloody hands and wiping other body parts
Small emergency kit: I like tape and tp instead of band aids, tape helps with blisters too
Include tylenol, pepto, benadryl
I like an ace bandage in case of sprains
Make sure your gps has landowner chip

make sure you have a good range finder. The sage and flat ground wreak havoc on reasonably price range finders. I had to go to a leica to get past 350 yards. I don't shoot that far but I like to use it to plan my stalk. I realize an archery hunt is different but.

Make sure your boots are broke in and light enough to walk all day long. I think hiker style boots are more practical for a straight pronghorn hunt.

Practice judging horns by looking at pictures and have a clear image of what you are looking for. They are difficult to judge especially when you see your first one staring at you in range.
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OHHH... MY... GOD !! Thank you Doc! What the Hell is wrong with all you Numb Nuts ? NO Flip-Flops ? SERIOUSLY ?????? No One 'cept Cush caught that?

Maxx, with my deepest apologies, I'm embarrassed of our (ah, humm) senior membership of this grievous oversight. Yes, Flops are your jump into the Brotherhood.

I did my hunt last year. VaSpeedGoat clued me into one I hadn't thunked of, but I'm glad he did. Tweezers. There is tiny cacti everywhere that lives & breaths for the sole purpose of ruining your day. Tiny little buggers. They just get under the skin, then dig & dig & dig.

As I remember it you said you had even found cactus proof underwear to take! LMAO
Practice judging horns by looking at pictures and have a clear image of what you are looking for. They are difficult to judge especially when you see your first one staring at you in range.

I have never killed one so any buck that is within 50-60 yard is going to look good.
I have never killed one so any buck that is within 50-60 yard is going to look good.

Sounds like you have the same objective I always have on a new hunt......a notched tag! Good luck, pronghorn are as much fun as you can have on a big game hunt.
Send a PM, I have extra knee pads, crawlin' gloves and "Cacti" proof underwear I'll send ya, just to get you started on the the most fun Hunt you'll ever have.
Some food for thought.... watch some videos of the "no gut method". I haven't sawn through a pelvis, nor gutted an antelope for many years. Just takes one sharp narrow bladed knife, although I use two (one being a small fillet) because I like my old "huntin knife".

And don't worry about a tweezers for those prickly pear and cushion needles......they will work their way outta your knee(s) sometime in December;)
I might catch some grief for this but if you think there is a chance at sitting in your blind all day I would bring a good book.
I pack up tomorrow. I have everything on my list except an emergency kit and baby wipes. My youngest has been out of diapers for 4 years now so we don't have them at hand at all times anymore.
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