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American Taken Hostage


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
I see that another American was taken hostage in Iraq today.

I wonder what Arab leader is going to go on an American network and apologize for this? What Arab leader is going to denounce this action as abhorrent and Un-Arab?

Just thought we should hold their leaders to the same standards as we demand of ours.

Were is the uproar and clamor to get our people back, where is the countries that we help so much, and this includes the UN? Good find....
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
Were is the uproar and clamor to get our people back, where is the countries that we help so much, and this includes the UN? Good find....
Where were you during English class? That has to be one of the most poorly written statements I have ever read.

Who do you think Dubya did the interviews for? For people in Iraq/Middle East, or for people on MainStreet, USA?

Who do you think told him to do the sit downs? Colin Powell or Marc Racicoit? (However you spell his name...)

(By the way, Dubya did NOT apologise.)
Dubya should apologize right after the apology we get for the twin towers and only after his spine has been surgically removed .
The interview was generous considering the abuse was nothing compared to the torture and mutilation of Americans .
In fact , the photos of the Iraqi prisoners look like they're from some porn site ! There are perverts in this country who pay to have that kind of sport ; whips , chains , handcuffs , panties on the head , leashes , naked dog piles and their own dominatrix!
You know those godless animals were a little aroused , and all at the expense of the American taxpayer ! We are truly the most generous nation on earth .
Once again , your lack of patriotism is pathetic!
You have more compassion for some godless urine-smelling , uni-brow animal who would CUT YOUR BALLS OFF if given the chance , then you do for your own countrymen.
Put yourself into a situation where it's life or death EVERY minute of every day! Months on end, never knowing who's a friend or enemy. Who will kill you or help you is a total guess. Your life hangs by yer instincts to survive not by what what the Hollywood shit shows on TV. What does anyone expect of these people after going through something like that? I can't imagine what they go through and would never want to. Anyone that HASN'T done it has no right to judge shit till they walked in them boots! I have all the respect I can fathom for these people that give us our freedom and to those who deny it...$*)Q!#@$ die a terrible death!

The sad and pathetic weakness of Ameicans is that they have become so complacent and lazy they dont become outraged over being lied to.

I dont know how anyone can believe that Bush is not a huge freaking liar. I watched him address the American public on the need to go to war in Iraq. He told the American public Sadam had direct ties to al quaeda, had or was close to nuclear capabilities, and had weapons of mass destruction.

He lied.

I dont hate Bush, I hate being lied to, in particular by the President of the United States.

Don't confuse complacency with patriotism...
I'm with you 100% on that.Being lied to by the prez (I did not have sex with Ms Lewinski/ I did have sex with Ms. Lewinski) is unacceptable . A prez. needs to stand behind his actions and admit it when he does a sea cow in the oval office . We have all seen Hillary, nuff said.

A WMD is a boxcutter , do you think we found any of those ?
I don't give two shits who Saddam had ties to , he had to go!
I'm not a fan of Dubya either but I respect the office of the President , I support our military and I would rather see the war against terrorism fought over there .
Where were you during English class? That has to be one of the most poorly written statements I have ever read.
Actually, I didn't realize this forum was English Grammar 101. Now I remember why I usually refrain from posting here.



We are a generous nation, when it suits our needs, and I dont have a problem with that.

I dont think defending the abuse of prisoners shows partiotism.

If we believe Dubya went to war to free the iraqi people from torture, abuse, etc. we arent sending the right message with crap like this.

Also, if the uni-brows just want to "CUT YOUR BALLS OFF if given chance", why the hell are we even bothering to "help" them???

Wouldnt a true patriot question why we're even there???

Who is calling for Dubya to apologise? Please show me where I think he should apologise. Just the opposite. I think he only gave the interviews for the impression it made in the US to elicit sympathy for himself among GOP voters and further outrage toward Iraqis by simple minded voters. By your post, it obviously worked.

How do you think the interviews were "generous"? Do you know who funds the Al-Hurrah network? And do you still think it was "generous"?

Please explain my "lack of patriotism", based on my questions to Nemont. I don't see what you are referring to, or is it now un-patriotic in the Ashcroft/Patriot Act America to ask questions about political campaigns and events? That is truly a sad day for Americans and people who value Liberty.

But I do agree with you that the US is the most generous nation on earth. It amazes me how much money we are spending in Iraq, while our domestic issues like Healthcare, Education, and Salmon go ignored.
Originally posted by ElkGunner:
It amazes me how much money we are spending in Iraq, while our domestic issues like Healthcare, Education, and Salmon go ignored. [/QB]
I would agree with that! We have more than enough problems here that need to be delt with. #*^@#* the rag heads, kill em' all!
I am not defending the abuse of prisoners , but the lack of outrage over the torture and mutilation of Americans compared to the 'abuse' of Iraqis is UNPATRIOTIC!

I believe Dubya did go to war to free the Iraqi people and I still haven't seen the pictures of him abusing anyone.

Ask yourselves this , If John Kerry , Bill Clinton , Hillary Clinton etc. were President would you still feel the same compassion for Iraqis and lack of compassion for Americans ?
NO! Because your hatred of Dubya trumps your patriotism .
And that is a sad and pathetic weekness in some Americans .
Who do you think Dubya did the interviews for? For people in Iraq/Middle East, or for people on MainStreet, USA?
I think for both. I don't think any president does any interview without considering Mainstreet, USA. Especially in an election year.

I have a suggestion let's knock off the patriotism attacks, both ways, because anyone can justify their actions as patriotism. If I support our troops and the president's policies I am a patriot or if I speak up and disagree I am a patriot, both can be seen as correct depending upon your opinion.
Healthy discussion and debating and disagreement are all a good thing. Just don't personalize it.
Just my humble opinion.


P.S. It is Marc Racicot, pronounced Roscoe

While I agree with you that Clinton was also a liar...

I'm not sure lieing about a bj is in the same class as lieing about a reason to declare war and kill thousands of people.

But, I guess you're right, they both lied.

If you were truly outraged over Clintons hummer, you should really be outraged over Bush's war...
I just got this e-mail from CNN.
-- Islamic Web site linked to al Qaeda posts video that purports to show a man identified as American being beheaded.

Watch CNN or log on to for the latest news.
Lots of those people over there don't like us Americans.
That is such a terrible thing for the families to endure, not to mention the victim. At least it is over for him.

This is what I feared the most, when the news about the prisoner abuse surfaced. It is probably just the beginning, as these terrorists have to keep raising the ante to new levels of horror.
I'm not sure I understand your basis on the "Bush lied to us" thing. Bush went on what he was told by the intellegence at the time right? So how did he lie about it? It seems now that his intell may have been wrong, but how is that a "lie"? Bad information, yes but a lie??? I think I would go by what the CIA told me as well, woudn't you? Hell even the UN thought he had WMD along with a majortity of the house and sentate! Since the intell was wrong then the president "lied" to us about it...

Clinton out right lied about his direct actions under oath. I don't recall him getting any bad info on that blow job

I think you're pretty naive, and like it or not, with being CIC, comes taking the heat for your words and actions.

Dubya didnt say, "they might" have WMD's, "they might have ties to al quaeda" he said they DO. When you make a case to sell the public on a reason for war, you better make certain you have your facts straight.

The easiest way to wiggle out of a lie is to pass the buck. Not only is that a spineless way out, but also shows a lack of leadership, responsibility, and character.

When I see someone back-peddling like Bush has, by blaming his intelligence agencies, changing his reason for the war, etc. I find it more likely than not, he greatly stretched the truth/lied.

I think thats intuitively obvious, even to a casual observer.

I dont hold being wrong against anyone, but I dont like, nor trust, anyone that blames someone else and wont admit when they're wrong. But, thats just me, others seem perfectly happy being lied to and misled by someone who they elected to lead their country...
I am so scared for your troops and now our citizens. I do wish the UN would do a little more on their part, because we are risking out lives to better another country and it Hurts to have loved ones over there while we sit and home and pray for everything they are going through and that they get home safe!

[ 05-13-2004, 18:20: Message edited by: Outdoorschick ]

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