A ticked smoker...


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Fecal Matter Found in Vice Mayor's Mail

LEXINGTON, Ky. - A harassment complaint has been filed with police after an aide found fecal matter in an envelope addressed to the vice mayor.

The envelope was one of two that contained harassing materials, according to a report filed Friday with Lexington police. The envelopes also contained a letter from someone complaining about the city's ban on smoking in enclosed public places.

Lexington police declined to comment about the contents of the letter, but Lt. James Curless said officers are investigating. Curless said police think both envelopes were sent by the same person.

The harassing letter — which had no return address — was discovered Friday by Lena Campbell, an aide who opens all of Vice Mayor Mike Scanlon's mail.

Council members routinely receive phone calls, letters, e-mails and faxes from Lexington residents upset about an issue or the way someone voted, but this communication crossed the line, Scanlon said.

"An angry letter is not that big a surprise," he said. "This was just a very, very sick person."
You might be a redneck if you mail do-do to city hall.

Have to be a pretty good shot to hit the opening of an envelope with it...probably had an accomplice.

...that's funny EC!
Why don't the authorities do a DNA test on the d fecal matter, along with finger prints from the envalope, and IF this person hasn't herd of the peel and stick envalopes then you have more DNA through saliva.
I think I am watching to much CSI and crime drama tv shows...LOL LOL
Quick Draw
I don't think they will go to such extents on such a low ranking beurocrat, some things they do are good, but I think there are things that they are pushing thru that go was to far to curtail our rights...
I don't smoke, and it is nice going into places and coming out not smelling like a smoke factory, but I also undrstand the establishment has the right to offer the smoking rights to their clients if they want and I have the right not to go into them if I so please. It's the same as if you don't like what the AM radio has to offer, don't listen... ;) :)
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