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A Tale of Trespass

This is the Front Range in Colorado, the mecca of subdivision, it's been 30+ years since reasonable thought has been employed in either planning or construction of these communities..

Required music for discussing CO front range...
Privilege and power ultimately determine what is a right. But it is possible to take that responsibility upon ourselves, in our daily lives, in how we act and speak to each other.

Author when confronted by neighbor...
“I’ve heard about you, Danny. Do you know that you are despised by your neighbors?” I asked. “And you’re getting old. You’re going to die someday soon, Danny, despised by your neighbors.”

Just FYI, "You are despised by your neighbors" and "You're getting old. You're going to die some day" probably aren't the best choices for that letter you are going to write asking for hunting permissions.
Privilege and power ultimately determine what is a right. But it is possible to take that responsibility upon ourselves, in our daily lives, in how we act and speak to each other.

Author when confronted by neighbor...
“I’ve heard about you, Danny. Do you know that you are despised by your neighbors?” I asked. “And you’re getting old. You’re going to die someday soon, Danny, despised by your neighbors.”

Just FYI, "You are despised by your neighbors" and "You're getting old. You're going to die some day" probably aren't the best choices for that letter you are going to write asking for hunting permissions.

Yeah, that’s a really weird thing for an ER doctor to be saying to some guy he just met.
I like imagining those people being a little more calm under pressure.
Especially since he’s admitting that he was knowingly breaking the law.

I mean, I do like his broad ideas about coexisting and sharing, but I respect people’s right to privacy too and I don’t think that going out and trespassing, then getting mad at the landowners for being mad at you is a good way to make allies in a battle for access.
An entitled doctor moves to the foothills?

Reminds me of that Tesla song that I hate......
And the sign said anybody caught trespassin' would be shot on sight
So I jumped on the fence and-a yelled at the house
"Hey! What gives you the right?"
"To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep mother nature in"
If he jumped up on my fence I would punch him in the face.... My right was to get an education, a job, income, then buy private property so I do not have to deal with dicks like him.
I reread the article and agree with a lot of problems people have with it. I'm sure the righteous indignation he admitted to is being match by the righteous indignation of HT'ers who i'm sure have never, ever, ever, trespassed.
Yeah, that’s a really weird thing for an ER doctor to be saying to some guy he just met.
I like imagining those people being a little more calm under pressure.
Especially since he’s admitting that he was knowingly breaking the law.

I mean, I do like his broad ideas about coexisting and sharing, but I respect people’s right to privacy too and I don’t think that going out and trespassing, then getting mad at the landowners for being mad at you is a good way to make allies in a battle for access.
ER doctors are generally calm under ER circumstances, but the level of social awkwardness is often worse than the general public when out in the world. Take a runner who likes to be alone and also an ER (or any type) doc and they may well be a social disaster. Maybe this guy makes all his neighbors really uncomfortable for reasons other than trespass?
ER doctors are generally calm under ER circumstances, but the level of social awkwardness is often worse than the general public when out in the world. Take a runner who likes to be alone and also an ER (or any type) doc and they may well be a social disaster. Maybe this guy makes all his neighbors really uncomfortable for reasons other than trespass?
Yeah the author really needs to vibe-check himself.
If he jumped up on my fence I would punch him in the face.... My right was to get an education, a job, income, then buy private property so I do not have to deal with dicks like him.

That's exactly right. I've worked my whole life, and have a few more years to be able to buy property, retire to it, and keep people the hell away from me so I can be left alone.
ER doctors are generally calm under ER circumstances, but the level of social awkwardness is often worse than the general public when out in the world.

What?? Not close...I've spent a lot of time around doctors over the last 10 years and they are hardly a bunch of socially awkward weirdos, they are typically more A-type personalities with high drive who get a lot done. However, a small percentage of them transform into really sanctimonious a-holes after they complete residency training and become real doctors, as in the case we're discussing here...
What a tool. He writes this line- "The concept of private property is fundamental to American society and should be protected." But does everything to rationalize it away in the article and undermine it with his actions.
I have a different perspective than a lot of HTers I think. I grew up in a VERY crappy part of a large inner city. In the city there would have been no discussion about "why" one was trespassing......he would have either had pitbulls set on him or been shot. Simple, if it is NOT yours don't mess with it, use it, take it or WALK on it. It makes no difference whether you are sitting on a 1/4 acre city lot, in the suburbs or on THOUSANDS of acres.....just because something is pretty or majestic in no way gives anyone else the right "use" it in any way.

I go into that detail because, like Schmalts spoke of, I worked hard to get into college and then grad school, worked hard in the military and then in the civ world to be able to get to the place where I can actually think about (in the next couple of years) buying a reasonable piece of land (hopefully at least 40ac). When I do that I will expect and enforce my privacy. An approach from a reasonable, thoughtful person to use it in some way MAY be met with permission but if not I should NEVER have to justify my decision to anyone. As for the passive aggressive poke about "no HTers trespassing" I would lay good money that those speaking here would/have NEVER knowingly and continuously trespassed. I'll bet that if any of us would have mistakenly stepped foot on someone's property we would be mortified and apologize profusely. Even passively supporting this type of behavior is pretty laughable.
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