A big something or other!!!

Tom, If you are happy about your hunt, so am I. At least we can enjoy your enthusiasm about your times afield. Do you ever hunt Nialgi? Keep em coming! John :)
I'd like to hunt a Nilgai, but I haven't yet. B-killin, what do you hunt? Once we got the tractor it wasn't scary anymore, the animal was dead. They were so skiddish, I wasn't scared. They didn't tell me about the guy getting trampled and bones broke till after I shot it and it was down.

The guide was physically and verbally very cautious as we were going up to it, that's why we shot it two more times with the 50 caliber S&W. I got it cheap, because the owner is pissed they trampled his accountant, busted him up and put him in the hospital, and because we haven't had much rain and food supply is low, and because of the liability from them.
I got it cheap, because the owner is pissed they trampled his accountant, busted him up and put him in the hospital,

To bad it was just an accountant and not a Lawyer(liar)
To bad it was just an accountant and not a Lawyer(liar)

they will not trample lawyers or step in shit.(same thing)
Professor Tom, you going to mount that bad boy? It would be like a poor Texan's version of a Cape Buffalo. I've seen some longhorn mounts that look pretty cool. You'd be the only guy on the block (maybe) that had one of them in your den.
looks like some old farmer was playing around with some seamen from a Long horn cow, maybe a bit of Asian buf, then got intiment with bessy in the back forty
I'm boiling the skull this weekend. You guys that mix up sex and hunting have got some real issues to deal with. They are really different for me, but I guess not all.
Tom I hate to break it to you but shooting livestock in a pasture isn't hunting, more like shooting, then butchering. But if busting pupies in the head makes you happy more power to you.
I hunt big game, turkeys, waterfowl, small game, and predators. None of them from a tractor. ;)
You're in Boise, eh. Lots of public land. You know what it costs to manage that federal public land? That's part of the answer to what it costs to raise a Rocky Mountain (RM) elk. Like, what's the federal budget for land management, how much land does an elk need, food and water, per year. Say you shoot a 4-5 year old elk on a $38 tag, are you a welfare shooter there B-killin. Just how much does it cost to grow that animal you b-killin, B-killin?

I didn't hunt from a tractor, I didn't even get on the tractor. You probably hunt with a truck, eh?

eiei o, here we go!
Tom, as Texans, didn't we check some kind of derision indifference waiver when we signed on here? :) Don't sweat the small chit pal...taking the buff beats buying it shrinkwrapped at the market. Wasn't there a thread about a limited license buffalo hunt on here recently? Picking a 'trophy' out of a herd & slammin' a 375 into it? What's the diff? C'mon experts, enlighten me.:rolleyes:
only a Texan would try to or even consider putting a monetary value on a WILD animal, to me the are priceless
They may be priceless, but what does it cost to make one? We ought to know that to manage them well. I'm not saying what their value is, I'm asking what it costs to make one?

Besides, every state puts a monetary value for one, when they set the tag fee. That's what you pay to go get one, right? That's one value put on them. Like 280 there in Montana, you pay what $50 for an elk, something like that.
Besides, every state puts a monetary value for one, when they set the tag fee. That's what you pay to go get one, right? That's one value put on them.

That is not true

Tom you just don`t get it!
Actually he is right 280, Idaho put a Value on Elk so when someone poaches one there is a Applicable fine on it. I think it's $2k ? Someone could help me that knows the exact #. I think 2k is considered grand theft and thats were that # came from..............
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