5finger shoes

You might have to take a regular sock with silver in it, if they make them, and cut five holes in it for each toe.
I bet those things smell like an a#$hole after a couple days in the backcountry.

And yes they do make socks I dated a girl years ago that had a pair of them and they were rainbow colored if I remember right.Had to stop seeing her shortly after that I just could not get over the thought of the ugly socks she had.
For those of you that watched "Married with Children" Al Bundy tried to market those years ago without much success. I can't help but chuckle every time I see them.
LOL I would not be caught dead wearing those,you will be the laughing stock at hunting camp with those on.Who knows maybe they will work great though and you will get the last laugh.Keep us posted on how they work.

It can't be nearly as bad as the ragging my father used to get when hunting in CO and sleeping in his pink wool night cap which an aunt knitted for him. Much too old to hunt now, he still has his cap and delights in telling great grandkids the stories of how that Colorado crew used to tease him. To him that was a badge of acceptance and respect for his years.

And yes they do make socks I dated a girl years ago that had a pair of them and they were rainbow colored if I remember right.Had to stop seeing her shortly after that I just could not get over the thought of the ugly socks she had.

I remember those things. Looked like something Dr. Seuss dreamed up while on a heavy acid trip.
LOL yes tarheel that pretty much explains how the socks looked.As far as cold weather goes I have came up with the perfect solution.The mitten shoe.One spot for your big toe and one for the rest of them just like a mitten.Big Fin would be all over these often in his videos I see him wearing a pair of mitten in very cold weather:hump: Just teasing you Fin I myself where the h$!! out of mittens once the weather gets below 30 degress.
I don't care if a stocking cap is titty pink. You could make fun of me all you want. If it keeps my bald pate warm at night, I could give a rat's ..
The jury is still out on the 5ingers as far as I am concerned.
Those are not my legs, mine are a lot whiter and have twice the hair. I'm just envious of this guys fine stealth like abilities with those ninja boots...not to mention his nice looking legs. Just imaging being able to sneak right up to a 400 inch bull in quiet style. And don't worry Lawnboy, they come in more plain styles as to not attract any unwanted attention from the guy your sharing a tent with.
I'm all for uniqueness, quirkiness, goofy habits, etc. in deer camp, makes for good stories and memories. However, living in the Peoples Republic of Boulder, and seeing the folks that wear the 5 finger shoes, I won't be looking to get a pair. :)
Moosie and IDBugler want to chime in here?

Those are not my legs, mine are a lot whiter and have twice the hair. I'm just envious of this guys fine stealth like abilities with those ninja boots...not to mention his nice looking legs. Just imaging being able to sneak right up to a 400 inch bull in quiet style. And don't worry Lawnboy, they come in more plain styles as to not attract any unwanted attention from the guy your sharing a tent with.
DDD it was the thought of the smell.

With that said I would think that they would be great stalking shoes. I'm taking some crocs to Alaska this time. They are lightweight and will be a relief after a full day hiking around camp plus I can soak my feet in the cold water to cool down the blisters Troy the cameraman taught me the extra pair of lightweights.:D

I think you'd like the 5fingers for stalking. I wear orthotics so I don't they they would fit with these shoes.
I wear 5fingers for running.

They take some getting used to ... about 10 minutes, then you hardly notice them.

The bottoms have a thin rubber layer. On asphalt/concrete they do "slap" a little more than running shoes. They'll work the everliving F out of your calves and other muscles you never knew were in your legs but it's a good workout and I love them compared to normal running shoes. They look stupid silly but it's an amazing difference.

If I wasn't in rattlesnake country I'd wear them for hunting in a heartbeat though they're really thin on the sides (no lateral protection against sticks and stuff.)

You can stalk well (60-75%) in almost any shoe ... it's about moving slow, putting your foot down a certain way and controlling your weight distribution to go really slow and give the stuff under your foot a chance to bend and absorb your weight instead of just snapping.

Being able to "feel the ground" will get you the extra 15-20% with practice. This is where the thin shoes really come into play, so you can feel the sticks and adjust/restep before they break.

I'm 6'6" 250 and accidentally surprise people all time because they don't hear me coming. You just learn to do it and it becomes second nature. Step on the outside front corner of the ball of your foot and roll your foot down onto the ground. It's slower than clumping around heal-first and it takes practice but it works. Just don't surprise your dog because it'll react defensively before it realizes who you are. :D


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