2010 caribou prehunt

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
I'm leaving Saturday for a caribou hunt with a buddy I met online.
We've been talking/planning for about 5 months now. It's my 3rd attempt at caribou and he has hunted Ak many times.We are both VERY excited to be heading north again.
Best of luck to those who are out and those who are going soon no matter what the game animal ( or your politics)!
We're hunting outta Tok with 40-mile air.
Registration hunt that runs parallel to the chickin ridge/taylor/steese hunt so we have been watching everything really close. Last thing you want is the law to close the season before we get there.
I've thought alot about a hunt up to Kotz. Numbers seem good, it's just the extra flying and associated expense scares me.
Between flying up and back with gear and game I'll be in about $3500 total-is Kotz any less or more expensive?
Good luck to ya-I hope we all have BIG stories to tell in 3 weeks.
nikster, I'm also flying with 40 mile on Thursday the 4th. When are you returning? We are planning 8 days or less. Good luck. Ed F
I also heard that one scored 430 and one scored 405. And one guy was crazy enough to pass on both. Who would pass on bulls that big?
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You had to go and tell us that... Now I'm really worthless. Can't wait. I just talked to 40 mile and they are 100% on big velvet bulls. Their first two bowhunters are still in the field. The weather has been great. Heavy rain stopped a week and a half ago. The stars are lining up for a good one... Ed F
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You will do fine. It gets cold at night there in Sept. I would post some pics but only have net on phone. We Shot 4 in less than 12 hours. Which was good because we didn't see much the next two days.
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Right, how am I 'sposed to sleep now?
I've got 450 class caribou running thru my brain but I can't get my heartrate to slow down enough to get a shot off.
100%? Really? Isn't the limit 150? I hope that's 100% on 6 or 7 guys.
100% for the caribou hunters they have taken in and out of the field so far. I don't know how many that is. I was told that F&G has changed the season and restructured the hunt this season so it will end later. The fly in quotas are different than the road system quotas. I'm not going in til the 4th and was assured the the season will be open for my entire hunt. If it's not... I'm gonna be one of their moose hunters... which wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit!!! Ed F
Here are some bou that were taken out of tok last week, not really sure about who may have shot them. :rolleyes: They must be some damn good hunters, i too heard they got all of them within 12 hours. Good luck!


Im sure more pictures will come with time but dial up is slow.
Yeah, we better see some more photos.

So Wyodeerhunter, are we going caribou hunting next fall, buddy o' pal? :D
Talk about a teaser pic, all I got was a red 'X'!
wait a minute, pic came up, Nice!
I hope you left a little one for me and my partner.
Congratulations to the successful hunters.
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The Kotz. prices vary like anywhere. We did an unguided drop camp but with tent, camping supplies, and food provided. Ours was $2850 for the hunt but from montana our flight to and from kotz. cost about $1100 so it is kind of an expensive trip but i can't think of anything else i'd rather spend it on. Good luck on your hunt with 40 mile. i thought about them. they have a great reputaion. good luck
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