2009 ND Archery Goat


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2001
My luck from the AZ elk hunt is still running strong!

My first day hunting the Badlands netted me my best archery goat to date. I have never had success sitting water holes (I think the antelope here are superheros who don't need water;) , at least not from the waterholes where I have tried sitting) so I end up doing the spot and stalk thing. Any one who has tried it with a bow knows it is a tall order to fill!!!.

Walking back to my vehicle from the morning's mulie hunt I found a buck rutting a single doe. I followed them for about a mile before they stopped and milled around in the U-shaped series of buttes below:


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I had 30 minutes invested in this buck already and circled downwind to get on top of the buttes. The buck was continually pushing the doe around, but they stayed in this series of buttes. I ended up putting five separate stalks on these two antelope over the next 2 1/2 hours and got close a couple of times. I was drenched in sweat and had the weekend quota of cactus needles lodged in my body. The thought entered my mind this was a futile effort and I was an idiot to keep trying, as Grizzly and Upper Deck often elude to:D! NEVER SAY DIE!!!

I was fortunate they were both preoccupied and didn't pick me off. Finally, the buck bedded down and stayed put for a while. This gave me time to move to the far south end of the buttes and set up for a shot. I was shooting at a STEEP downhill angle, at the far end of my shooting range. The wind was not blowing hard and I felt comfortable with the shot. Just as I drew back, the doe must have seen something and snorted. She walked parallel to me, got the buck to his feet, and brought him a few yards closer standing broadside. I let the arrow go and with the steep angle it looked like it was going to fly 20 feet over the bucks back!! In just a second, it started dropping rapidly. The sun was behind the buck and I saw hair fly and the sound of a solid hit simultaneously! Instantly the buck was running hard and I saw significant blood on each side of the buck. Can you say pass through?:hump: He ran hard for 250 yards and piled up!!!! When I walked down off of the butte here is what I saw as I looked back to where I had shot from:

My pack and bow are the little speck with the white tip on the top of the butte, just left of the nock!


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Here is where I shot from.

My pack and bow (the black spot on the ridge just behind the white clay) are right behind the arrow.

The buck ran right through the middle of the poles of the closest power line and piled up 50 yards beyond within sight!


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Here he is.

Not a Big Fin, Red Desert type monster, but my biggest with a bow!! I was jacked!!


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that bottom picture is a great picture. There are a lot of hunters that would do well to try and replicate that when posing with animals.

Congrats on a great stalk.
Congrats on another succesful hunt Buschy! Taking an animal spot and stalk with a bow is an accomplishment in itself, add a great buck to the mix and you should be real proud.

that bottom picture is a great picture. There are a lot of hunters that would do well to try and replicate that when posing with animals.

First let's start with you actually posting one of your pictures JC. ;)
As if that wasn't enough fun, I had to walk back to my vehicle about 1 1/2 miles away. I was in an understandably good mood and covering ground fast on a two track so I could get pictures, get the buck disassembled and put him on ice. The two track went through a small strip of trees which provided a little shade. As I walked through the shade, something move quickly in the grass at my feet. I jumped and just as I did a medium sized rattler took a stab at my leg missing and hitting me with his body!! Massive adrenaline rush:eek:!! As an afterthought, he decided maybe he should start rattling!!!

There is no love loss between me and rattlers. I have even been known to let them slither into the grass while I go the other way, on occasion. I quickly decided a rattler who doesn't have the common courtesy to let me know he is there before he takes a whack at me probably shouldn't pass those genes on. He got an arrow for lacking any type of manners whatsoever :cool:

In the excitement I forgot to take a picture of the now deceased snake, but showed him to Grizzly that evening. It turns out Grizzly doesn't like rattlers either! My ears are still recovering from girly screams:D

Thats it. A great weekend for sure. Next on the hit list is a trip to MT with Upper Deck to help him fill his archery antelope tag, a good mulie buck with my bow in ND and then off to NM for my rifle elk hunt with Grizzly. Here are a few more pics from the weekend and some trail cam pics of some good bucks in the area. I wouldn't have the will power to pass any of these guys up!


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Congrats Greg. As always, you go the extra mile, both in the field, and with the camera and stories. Good luck on the big muleys, but please save one for me.

I am confident there is a good ND mulie with your name on him!

Good luck in WY for elk. I will be checking on the progress often. Take no prisoners! :D:D
Nice job on the buck, big congrats on spot and stalk hunting them with a bow. Beautiful country to hunt in.
WTG! Great stalk and Pictures. We don't have that many Rattlers, but we do have stump-tailed Water Moccasins. Luckily they stink so bad you can smell them before you see em. Congrats! John
Great job. I love the bloody arrow picture. That was a hell of a shot.

Good luck for the remainder of the season, but I don't think you'll need it.......
Nice spot and stalk work, Buschy. That's a good looking buck, and even better photos. Good luck with that busy upcoming schedule.
Cripes man. You're deadly on the critters. Nice job on the speed goat.

I've yet to find an exceptional goat this season.
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