New member
First off let state this. I suck at digital cameras. I had over 45 pics on a card and I forgot to format the card and ALL the pics on it are gone forever.
Hopefully I will get some NEW pics before we butcher the doe.
At least there is this pic I had before I put the card in the camera. LOL at least proof
I took ScreaminReel,Vipe and my friend John along for the muzzleloader weekend. I set up
SR and John up in 2 other areas while I walked from the cabin we was staying to the woods over the hill. I get into the woods at 7:30am and started my still hunting into the wind in the wooded area at the orchards border.(This was about 200 yards away from where TE lost his deer opening day of archery.) WEll I had finally went about 150 yards at 9 am when I hear rustling leaves. I drop donw to one knee and try to see what it is. Finally after about a minute I see a deer's head coming toward me. It is a doe(not a big one either) It stops behind a tree where I couldnt get a shot and I wait.
I am thinking that I should pass on it because I dont want to kill anymore dinky deer. But then I can use a landowner's tag for it and Vipe would kill me if I didnt try to kill the deer.
So it finally starts moving up along the trail farther up the hill from me and I wait till it is in the last clear lane I have to shoot. I meep at it and put the sights right in front of its front leg and I aim for the opposite leg. I squeeze the trigger and BAM . The Traditions Deerhnter 50 cal sends a 385 grain bullet propelled by 80 grains of Prydex to the deer.
The deer turns arond and goes back the way it came with its tail down. I hear it go out of sight and then I hear some thrashing and then silence. I reload taking my time and then I head up to where the deer was when I shot it.
I start going toward where I saw the deer vanish and I see blood. The more I follow the more blood I see. Finally after about 40 yards I get to some thick stuff. I go into it and after about 10 yards I see the deer.
Hey it isnt a big buck but it was my first deer via a muzzleloader
I will post what pics I do have tomorrow.
John missed a deer at 20 yards but he did nail a grouse

Hopefully I will get some NEW pics before we butcher the doe.
At least there is this pic I had before I put the card in the camera. LOL at least proof

I took ScreaminReel,Vipe and my friend John along for the muzzleloader weekend. I set up
SR and John up in 2 other areas while I walked from the cabin we was staying to the woods over the hill. I get into the woods at 7:30am and started my still hunting into the wind in the wooded area at the orchards border.(This was about 200 yards away from where TE lost his deer opening day of archery.) WEll I had finally went about 150 yards at 9 am when I hear rustling leaves. I drop donw to one knee and try to see what it is. Finally after about a minute I see a deer's head coming toward me. It is a doe(not a big one either) It stops behind a tree where I couldnt get a shot and I wait.
I am thinking that I should pass on it because I dont want to kill anymore dinky deer. But then I can use a landowner's tag for it and Vipe would kill me if I didnt try to kill the deer.
So it finally starts moving up along the trail farther up the hill from me and I wait till it is in the last clear lane I have to shoot. I meep at it and put the sights right in front of its front leg and I aim for the opposite leg. I squeeze the trigger and BAM . The Traditions Deerhnter 50 cal sends a 385 grain bullet propelled by 80 grains of Prydex to the deer.
The deer turns arond and goes back the way it came with its tail down. I hear it go out of sight and then I hear some thrashing and then silence. I reload taking my time and then I head up to where the deer was when I shot it.
I start going toward where I saw the deer vanish and I see blood. The more I follow the more blood I see. Finally after about 40 yards I get to some thick stuff. I go into it and after about 10 yards I see the deer.
Hey it isnt a big buck but it was my first deer via a muzzleloader

I will post what pics I do have tomorrow.
John missed a deer at 20 yards but he did nail a grouse