Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

12 years....


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2009
South East Colorado
It seems like yesterday, but it was 12 years ago in Taji, Iraq, that one of the greatest men in the world ended up dying. We were hit with an IED and he ended up dying in Baghdad after I kept him alive for 45 minutes, even while getting ambushed. Izzy was a man of faith, a husband, and father to 6 kids. I dream about that blast every night and there's not a day that goes by that I wouldn't have gladly traded places with him. Another fraction of a second and it would have been me that died instead. Why would such a good man have to die? My existence over the past 12 years has been a constant reminder of my failure as a medic and a cruel joke of having to live with my physical and mental and emotional incapabilities. Why?

If anyone feels so compelled, say a nice thing to whatever higher power you believe in and let Izzy know he's not forgotten...

I knew it was around this time and was thinking about both of you. I know you don't beleive and I can't say I blame you, but prayers sent for you and both of your families. Know your hunt talk family loves you.
Many prayers for you, and all that knew and were touched by Izzy. Thank you for your service that allows me to be able to go hunting, practice my faith without fear, and just be able to live.
Just keep on keeping on. Stop being hard on yourself, it's not your fault.
I hope you can eventually find peace with this. You aren't forgotten either John.
My Condolences Tonight I'll tell my children of the sacrifices Izzy and John have made. We'll say a prayer for both. Thank you and stay strong brother...
Stay tough...your being at peace is the thing Izzy would want the very most I would imagine. Thank you for everything.
First thank you and Izzy and all the men and women that have served this country! Since you mentioned faith, give this a thought, if Izzy was a Christian, and is in Heaven now, I bet he'd like to see you there someday also. I know it's hard to believe when you have seen so much pain, but I bet it would give you some peace. Just a thought to chew on. I wish you and his family well during these tough times.
Peace be with you all and thank you again!!
Please know my family is grateful to both of you for your sacrifice, prayer for both you and his family. I would assume if he were here he might tell you to keep your head up and keep on keeping on.
As much as anyone can, I guess I understand. You and I were apparently over there at the same time. I was east of Taji, outside Baqubah. While I was not a medic in country, I spent 6 yrs in the back of an ambulance over here afterwards. I understand the empty feeling of ineptness that comes from losing a patient, not to mention seeing a comrade fall. I will tell you what I have grown to tell myself over time, he is not forgotten, and he is in the best of company up there. I guess as shallow as it sounds we all lost something over there, even if was just time. I will remember your friend on this day just as my comrades and I remember our friend every April 4th. We are survivors, and with that comes the burden of remembering, but it gives every new experience a sweetness that others can not taste. I feel for you my brother. It was a damn mess over there at times but we did what was asked of us and did the best we could. God Bless, and remember, when it's tough, just look down and think, "right foot, left foot, gotta keep going, because it will get better."
The sacrifice of Izzy and his family is not forgotten. Nor is your sacrifice and that of your family. Nor the sacrifice of those others.

I am thankful to all who have put themselves in harm's way while protecting others.
Brother, you living and remembering are honoring him everyday. In our profession it is impossible not to have felt the loss over the last 15 years. What you can know for certain is that he knew how much you cared for him and how much you gave trying to keep him in our will meet in Valhalla my friend.
I will never forget Izzy, or you. And in raising my kids I will make sure they are aware of and understand why so many men and women have sacrificed for the good, so they never forget either.

Thank you For what you have done John. I hope it gets easier as
time goes on.
John I pray for peace in your soul and I am so grateful for heroes like you and Izzy and the sacrifices you have made for our country. I will pray for Izzy and his family and will honor his ultimate sacrifice.