
Your thoughts?

Jose, You're an ass. I often thought that, but now I will verbalize it. There are some, not many, who go to war seeking glory and fame. Most of us go because we feel an obligation for the privledge of living in this country. You, like many, feel like this country owes you something.
See - all the self-proclaimed intellectuals have to pontificate instead of just admitting they are pussies! :eek: Redirect the conversation away from their own failings and weakness and attack others,,,, tsk, tsk, tsk. Masters of deflection...
See - all the self-proclaimed intellectuals have to pontificate instead of just admitting they are pussies! :eek: Redirect the conversation away from their own failings and weakness and attack others,,,, tsk, tsk, tsk. Masters of deflection...

On that we can agree, look at the self-proclaimed intellectuals like the Cheese attempting to pontificate....


Do you think Eternal Gratitude is owed people? Or, at some point, should they MoveOn?

Jose, eternal gratitude is something you should feel.
which is the point the author was trying to make, i believe.

and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.
Has he proclaimed himself an intellectual? Or just called your bluff?

Uhhhh... you were the one that posted after the Cheese and DanR and called them self proclaimed intellectuals...

If you now acknowledge they aren't intellectuals, and you acknowledge that sometimes people need to MoveOn, the please proceed.
Jose, eternal gratitude is something you should feel.
which is the point the author was trying to make, i believe.

So the author was trying to project his expectations on to the reader as to how the reader should feel about the subject of the author's diatribe? I guess if one assumes the author's readers are stupid, then that works well and the author can manipulate readers.

I knew guner would have some thing silly to say, so I put hims on ignore so am not subject to dead end conversations... :)
I love stirring up Chit....
10:27 AM 2fastnaz Viewing Thread Your thoughts?
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10:28 AM JB Viewing Thread Your thoughts?
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10:28 AM MattK Viewing Thread Your thoughts?
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10:17 AM Washington Hunter Viewing Thread Your thoughts?
I never mentioned anyone by name. However, I think most reading this excahnge can figure out who my post was directed to.

Just doing my job - keeping the post count up!
So the author was trying to project his expectations on to the reader as to how the reader should feel about the subject of the author's diatribe? I guess if one assumes the author's readers are stupid, then that works well and the author can manipulate readers.

I took it that the author was writing about the amount of "stupid" people who dont understand or appreciate the sacrifices these men and women have made and how that number of "stupid" people is growing in this country.
I never mentioned anyone by name. However, I think most reading this excahnge can figure out who my post was directed to.

Just doing my job - keeping the post count up!

Hey Cali,

Since this is YOUR thread, and you asked of OUR thoughts on your quote from the author who obviously has failed to MoveOn in life, and just seems to be stuck in his Glory Days. Why don't you share YOUR THOUGHTS on this author's comments?

Do you still seek the Eternal Gratitude that JB believes the author is saying is owed to everybody who ever served?

Do you think you should be able to "collect interest" on the "blank check" you wrote some 30+ years ago?

What are YOUR thoughts on the Author's comments?
I took it that the author was writing about the amount of "stupid" people who dont understand or appreciate the sacrifices these men and women have made and how that number of "stupid" people is growing in this country.

Do you just throw a blanket of Eternal Gratitude to everyone who ever served in the Service? Be it Marine, Sailor, Airman, or Coastie? Do you throw the same blanket for Grunts in the field as you do for paper pushers in DC?

Does somebody who volunteered get the same blanket of Eternal Gratitude as somebody who was drafted? Does somebody ordered into the service by a Judge get the same Eternal Gratitude as somebody who volunteered?

Does somebody who joined the National Guard in Texas and then transferred to the Alabama Guard and then went AWOL get the same blanket of Eternal Gratitude as somebody who VOLUNTEERED for service, commanded Swift Boats in the War, facing hostile fire?
Like many veterans I suspect, I do not seek much for myself - after all, vets are the type who make selfless sacrifices. ;) Seriously, as for me - I was number one in the last lottery from which they drafted anyone. I joined the Navy to avoid Viet Nam, and they sent me there anyway - for 3 tours. I would rather have not gone - but I was also not going to run away to Canada or something. They called, I went.

So am I personally owed "eternal gratitude?" I don't think so. I think that is more for the guys that truly volunteered and for the guys who need it - hospital care, psychiatric care if needed, educational assistance, etc. I think they deserve that, and eternal gratitude for risking death - which is also eternal, at least as far as earthly existence is concerned. I also think that the ones who did not come home, like Kevin, Ron, Welch and others that I knew deserve that, and I admit to getting upset when people who have not witnessed such sacrifices first-hand belittle it. If painful death or its potential, for something larger than yourself, is not worthy of eternal gratitude - then what is? Or is nothing worth that? I don't think a simple "thank you," quite does it for those guys, Jose.

Do you have to have served to have honor? No. But I think it is honorable to honor those who did, and do.
Do you have to have served to have honor? No. But I think it is honorable to honor those who did, and do.

This is exactly what seperates those who understand and those who don't
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