Caribou Gear Tarp

Wyoming Upcoming Elk Draw Results

Fingers are crossed. Put in for an archery only tag, first time that particular tag has ever been offered, so I have no idea what to expect.
That date on the calendar is just a bigger notification to match what's in the booklet. The actual posting date should be several days before that, as last year it was the 24th and it will probably be about the same if they don't run into any problems with their computers.
Ah yes, the expectation of drawing a tag is like carefully writing out a Christmas wish list for Santa. Hope abounds. Dreams intact. A sheep hunt? Sure, I'll put that on the list. But, not at the top. Do not want to seem, well, greedy.

The date for results nears. Like the delivery date of a first child. Will it be early? Late?

Then the results are announced and the internet locks up for agonizing minutes while trying to access the results page. Finally the results page appears. "UNSUCCESSFUL" will show up around 70 times this year though will most likely be one or two "SUCCESSFUL" as well. The successful draws make it all worth it for me.

Good luck on your draws.
Fingers are crossed. Put in for an archery only tag, first time that particular tag has ever been offered, so I have no idea what to expect.

Good job catching that on unit 11-9! I would presume they will cut back the Special Archery season there from the entire month of September like it has been to either a couple weeks or eliminating it completely like several of the BigHorn units. Hope you draw, as that could be a nice hunt on a first time opportunity with that tag.
Good job catching that on unit 11-9! I would presume they will cut back the Special Archery season there from the entire month of September like it has been to either a couple weeks or eliminating it completely like several of the BigHorn units. Hope you draw, as that could be a nice hunt on a first time opportunity with that tag.

Yep, pulled a cow out of there last year,had several bulls under 30 yards (1 at about 5). That thick country lends itself to bow hunting anyway.
Its not for sure if there will be type-9 tags given in unit 11 or not. Still has to pass the commission, and there has been opposition to it.
personally i hope that the commission goes against giving out archery only tags in 11 and the rest of the snowies. That is such an amazing area to hunt and the general tags are a great opportunity for wall hunters including the NR hunters.
personally i hope that the commission goes against giving out archery only tags in 11 and the rest of the snowies. That is such an amazing area to hunt and the general tags are a great opportunity for wall hunters including the NR hunters.

Are we talking UNIT 11 in Wy? I'm new to this western hunting thing so I want to make sure I am understanding both sides of every argument before I make up my own opinion. So with that I have the following questions: If the unit is already a Limited Quota hunting unit, as opposed to a general unit, what is so bad about giving out the type 9 license? Or is it the case that because of the addition of the type 9 license the entire zone was changed from a general license unit to a limited quota unit and removing the type 9 license will move it back to a general tag like e300 said above? It seems to me that the addition of the type 9 license only offers MORE opportunity. Isn't that a good thing? It also offers a rut hunt since it proposed to open Sept. 1. Isn't that a good thing? I'm not trying to stir the pot, I legitimately can't think of any reason why someone would oppose this :W:

Edit: The more I think about it I think I may understand why. Is it that previously on an 11-1 license you COULD archery hunt during the early archery season and now with the addition of the 11-9 license you won't be able to do that anymore with the 11-1 license? Thereby actually limiting the opportunity? Or do I have it all wrong?
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Its not for sure if there will be type-9 tags given in unit 11 or not. Still has to pass the commission, and there has been opposition to it.

Buzz - Have tags ever been issued, then rescinded because of something like this? Looks like they should have ironed that out before the application period..
gwhunter---Unit 11 has been offering Type 1, 4, and 6 tags with the Type1s being allowed to purchase an archery permit to hunt the entire month of September. When a unit has a Type 9 tag they usually don't allow the Type 1 tags to hunt with archery equipment until 9/15-9/30 and several of the BigHorns units don't allow any archery hunting on that tag. Therefore, if they followed either of those there would be some loss of opportunity by the Type 1 tag holders. Things like this should be finalized before the application period and the public notified of exactly what changes are taking place so they are knowledgeable when they apply. Since this is the first year there is no background to go by to know whether they will allow the Type 1 tags to still archery hunt or not. I would agree with LCH that if they are allowing people to put in for a tag it darn sure should be in the draw and not an up in the air issue. If they would decide to not have the Type 9 after taking people's application money it would be worse than the NM debacle a couple years ago when they pulled the rug from NRs in the sheep draw. BuzzH can certainly speak to that issue. The G&F can close a season or shorten one due to fires or some other serious reason, but to not issue tags after they were placed out for the public to apply like is being mentioned would be ridiculous.
Thanks! I get it now. I guess what messed me up was that it was accidentally called a "general" tag to mean a type-1 tag above. I was all confused :eek:
I wasn't calling unit 11 a general tag. If you look at the map most of the units in that area are general hunts. I just was stating that I dont like wyoming's archery only tags because it is limiting your options for hunting. It also worries me that the snowies will become like the bighorns and have many archery only tags further limiting opportunities for general hunters. Especially general NR hunters as they have made the "guide law" requiring NR hunters to have a "guide" and further limiting areas for the DIY NR hunter.
It also worries me that the snowies will become like the bighorns and have many archery only tags further limiting opportunities for general hunters.

If 11 was already off limits to general hunters, how does adding in the type 9 tag hurt the general hunters? I'm not trying to rile anyone up, I seriously don't know :eek:
Buzz - Have tags ever been issued, then rescinded because of something like this? Looks like they should have ironed that out before the application period..

Right now all the season dates, types, etc. are PROPOSED, they will not be finalized until the season setting commission meeting in late-April-early May.

What could happen if enough hunters don't want the unit 11 type-9 tags is they would just turn the type-9's into a type-1 tag. It would mean 50 additional type-1's in unit 11 if the type-9 idea is done away with. There would be no rescinding of tags.

At the Laramie meeting a few weeks back, 2 of the 5 people that bothered to attend where not willing to split the season with type-1 permit holders. They wanted the 50 type-9 tags to have the entire September archery season.

If anyone applied for a type-1 with the intention of hunting with archery equipment, from what I heard, you're probably going to be hosed.

There is still time to get your comments to the GF commission, but I think the ship has sailed. I wasn't real happy with another type-9 area, it really makes no sense, and IMO, makes the rifle season more of a zoo.

However, I don't personally hunt that unit, and if people don't show up for their own good...I'm done fighting battles for the apathetic. The 2 archery hunters that pushed this idea from Laramie, they show up, they're very involved with GF/wildlife issues, etc. Frankly, they deserve the season they're pushing, they show up.
If 11 was already off limits to general hunters, how does adding in the type 9 tag hurt the general hunters? I'm not trying to rile anyone up, I seriously don't know :eek:

Please reread my earlier post. The Type 1 tags have been able to hunt the archery season in September in the past!