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Wyoming non-res license fees on the rise

pa ridge-runner

New member
Aug 23, 2003
Pennsylvania -pocono mtns
Hi Y'all,
I recieved the new(2004) Wyoming hunting application booklet yesterday and noticed that the non-resident deer licenses are up to 272.00 this year.Last year it was 220.00.I guess thats just the way things are going to be for hunting the west.Every year it gets closer and closer to the fact that only the wealthy will be hunters in the future.Sure some of you will say "Aw 272.00 aint much".Not to those that have plenty of spare bucks$$to spend.What will it be next year after that(2005)325.00 then(2006)375.00?
Up,and up we go.Wyoming was one of the best deals out west,but it seems to want more and more money too.Montana cost 1000.00 non-res.I guess my hunting days west of the mississippi are coming close to an end.I work on construction and although I make out pretty good,the costs are just getting too high.I have a family that comes first.I saved all year to get enough money to make a DIY hunt this year.Oh well!!just my 2 cents.
PA Ridge Runner,

I got my copy of Wyoming's Regs on Tuesday, and noticed the same thing.

The only thing I can say is that when you bury the extra cost in the cost of the gas/gear/time/ etc for a a week of hunting, it probably doesn't break the camel's back.

Hunting Out of State, in the West, is always going to be a bit pricey, and a bit risky. Keep trying though, and maybe you have to go every other year.
Yep, all their fees went up 20%, including reduced price cow and doe tags. Still cheaper than CO, and better hunting to boot. I guess they just wanted to keep in line with what other states are charging. I think WY is still one of the better deals out there, especially when you consider the length of their seasons.

Ummm, Montana is NOT $1000.00 unless you buy the outfitters tag. That is a very misleading statement you just made. Non resident Deer combination tags are $328.00 (a long ways from $1000.00.) Which is a hell of a lot better than Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah or even Colorado when you consider that Montana tag includes small game/upland game, and fishing (both of which are world class for quality.) Try adding up what a season fishing license and a season long small game license will add to your other western state hunts and you will quickly see what I mean.
Hi Big Sky, I appreciate your comment and appologize for not elaborating more on the info I have gotten about Montana.I believe the $1000.00 cost is only if you go through a licensed outfitter,then its a guarantee to draw??I have also heard that to draw a non-res tag applying yourself is a tough draw.?? I would appreciate setting me straight.Also,I will have to say that Montana seems to be a great state to hunt,I hope I get the chance someday.
A non-res deer tag in most states near here(Pa,NY,NJ,OH) runs around 100 bucks and that is to hunt the WHOLE state, non just part of it.I'm glad I got to experience hunting the west,and will always remember it.Hope you fellas get a chance to hunt the hardwood forest someday too for the elusive Whitetail its still a "good deal".PARR
Okay here's the skinny. Yes the regular draw is tougher and not guaranteed. However I have friends that draw pert near every year. Heck, the webmaster of has drawn the last 3 out of 4. Our own Moosie drew last year and came out and hunted with me. He managed to kill the smallest 4x4 muley in the state of Montana. I'm still trying to figure out how he found that buck. However he made a heck of a shot on it and I'm still impressed. Now a tag in PA may be $100.00 but it doesn't include small game and a fishing license does it? Plus I guarantee that we pass up bucks on the last day of the season that 99% of PA's wouldn't pass up during the first minute of the first day. Montana is second to no state for quality and quantity. You are getting exactly what you pay for. Trust me once you try Wyoming or Montana it will ruin for the whitetails you have back home. I know what I'm talking about I went to Alaska a few years ago to hunt black bear. Now it's all I can do to get excited about it here eventhough we have good bear hunting. Once you have the best it's hard to go back, regardless of the cost.
Just curious, Big Sky, as I have no idea: are those tags drawn in areas with good access to public lands, or areas that area mostly private? Thanks.

A buck tag for general season is good for the whole state. Most of eastern Montana is private land but thanks in a large part to the Block Management Program (which grants public access to enrolled private land) there is plenty of area to hunt. I have had some extremely good hunting on Block Management land.
Hopefully less tags will be sold and a larger number of older bucks will come into the picture so I can get thier sheds
I doubt this will be the last time the fee goes up.

later, MM
On a similar note, Colorado just approved another increase for next year. They now have a program in place that will increase fees every year according to the consumer price index. That way fees will stay in line with inflation, and non-res. won't have to endure another $200 increase in a single year. Deer and pronghorn are going up $5, and bull elk is going up $10, to $490.

Elkgunner.. Are we Applying in Colorado As well as Wyoming for Antelope ? (I'm there

I think I might give Montana another wirl next year.... Just wondering if I can Pay $1000, get a Guarentee tag.. then Not use the Outfitter, I think I can find a friend or two that might point me in a Direction to travel for a deer or elk... Maybe ? just maybe

(PS, I would never pay the $1000 so you don't need to answer the question, It was a joke
I am thinking I get back from Alaska on September 16 after shooting my slightly larger than your Moose, and my Elk hunt won't start until November 10.

Plenty of time to do the Tri-State Tequila Tour and Hunt. If you look at a Map (I know, you don't believe in them...
) Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana are all lined up, one next to the other...

I am pretty sure them kind people in Wyoming are going to skip me for my Moose and Sheep tags, again, the guys in AZ just take my money for Elk and Sheep, and laugh, the Nevada gang writes me letters suggesting the Casinos instead of an Elk tag (
btw, I think I know where some MONSTER elk that state, I think the Wolves chased them all from Montana and Idaho into Nevada...).

So about all that is left, is deer and Antelope in the Tri-state Tequila Tour...
I am not that interested in Montana for Elk, as I have not seen any Bulls taken in Montana that I would get too excited about...
Those Raghorns that the guys in MT keep posting, hell, I pass on their big brothers each year...
20 years later and the exact same threads are being created it seems almost weekly.

20 years ago, it was $220 increased to $272 and people were worried about "being priced out". I honestly don't know if there was an app fee back then or if it was just the $272.

Today that cost is $374 + $15 app fee + 2.5% processing = $398.73

I was curious so I looked at what $272 back in 2003 is worth now based on the US inflation. I was shocked to see that that $272 would be $450.43 today. I guess Wyoming needs to still bump up that deer tag cost
Hi Y'all,
I recieved the new(2004) Wyoming hunting application booklet yesterday and noticed that the non-resident deer licenses are up to 272.00 this year.Last year it was 220.00.I guess thats just the way things are going to be for hunting the west.Every year it gets closer and closer to the fact that only the wealthy will be hunters in the future.Sure some of you will say "Aw 272.00 aint much".Not to those that have plenty of spare bucks$$to spend.What will it be next year after that(2005)325.00 then(2006)375.00?
Up,and up we go.Wyoming was one of the best deals out west,but it seems to want more and more money too.Montana cost 1000.00 non-res.I guess my hunting days west of the mississippi are coming close to an end.I work on construction and although I make out pretty good,the costs are just getting too high.I have a family that comes first.I saved all year to get enough money to make a DIY hunt this year.Oh well!!just my 2 cents.
More chance for a tag for those of us that have plenty of money.
At least that's what everyone here says whenever I complain about the high cost of tags.
People always gotta complain about something, if you’re bitching about the cost of a tag, is it something you really want to do? I personally don’t put a price on something I love to do. Just my two cents.

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