Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Wyoming Hunt 2011 - Team Pronghorn Junkies


Feb 19, 2005
New River, AZ
I'm trying to do the Junkies proud so I'm passing on all the bucks that aren't 90-inchers! Haha - like that will happen...

First day in my Wyoming unit. Got to scout about half a day. Passed a couple bucks today that I may try to get better photos of tomorrow.

What do you guys think?

Here's the first one

And here's the second one
Screen Shot 2011-09-25 at 8.14.07 PM.jpg
Screen Shot 2011-09-25 at 8.13.44 PM.jpg
Screen Shot 2011-09-25 at 8.12.10 PM.jpg
Stubby is big. The top goat looks long, with great prongs. Hard to judge mass in the photo. I'm guessing Stubby might score higher?
As a member of the Pronghorn Junkies, I am thinking you can do better than either of those. The hopes of our team are riding on you.

If forced to pick between the two, go with the second one. Better mass above the prongs. Either would suffice, but given the swing and a miss I just had, I think the teams needs you to hit a homerun.

Good luck.
Eli and Others,

Considering I am new at this game of Antelope scoring...throw out some scores for those...yep I think they are all shooters but I am interested in your professional antelope junkie opinions. I watched the video that you produced on scoring antelope but holy crap is that hard for me...I just want to pull the trigger!
Still here. Day 18. I'm starting to drag a bit.

I haven't found many new good bucks, but I did find this one...

Screen Shot 2011-10-05 at 6.22.00 PM.jpg
Screen Shot 2011-10-05 at 6.21.13 PM.jpg

I think he's similar in size to the other two I posted. It snowed last night, melted today, and now the roads are pretty muddy where this buck lives. I couldn't get to him this evening. If I can get in to where this buck is tomorrow morning I may try to take him.
Dang Eli...18 days...I can't even get past 18 hours before shooting one. That is also why I have not taken a buck in the 80" range, just do not have the restraint. I might have to have someone tag along and carry my bullets for me. Good luck tomorrow!
You know, I was looking at some photos I've taken over the last few days and I saw a buck that I had forgotten about that might be a candidate...

What do you guys think?

Enough shopping, any of those would be good candidates on which to spend your tag. Personally, I would be looking for something ugly.

The junkies need you to put up some points.
I think the first and second bucks you posted are the best two still, but all are great bucks. 18 days is a long time to be looking, though since it's nearly a year round job for you I imagine it isn't too bad, especially when you're the shooter. Good Luck!
Spitz: I tried to relocate the second buck I posted, but I haven't been able to find him. Either someone whacked him or he moved.

The first buck I posted just doesn't do it for me. Here are some other photos I got of him...


His left prong is awesome, but his right is shaped different.

I woke up this morning and it is pouring rain so today is probably not going to be much good for hunting. The roads up here turn to mush pretty quick.

Oh well, maybe tomorrow it will clear up and dry out.

I don't think State Record is going to happen this year - at least not on my tag. Although I did hear of a 90+ being killed already in WY.
well keep at it, you'll find the one your looking for i'm sure, as much time as you spend out there, good luck, all those pics are awesome, that particular buck his prongs seem too come out fairly low also, but he would be dead with the bow for sure.....
Eli, Can I come hunting with you next year? I'll take your leftovers. :)

I really like the look of that last buck you posted. (The buck with heart shaped horns) How does he compare in terms of score with the first two bucks?
He's probably similar in score. Initially I was thinking 83-ish, but after studying the pics I think he'll probably be bigger than that. He's one of the longer bucks I've seen, has great prongs, and good mass.

I'm thinking L16, P6, B13-4/8, T7

That would make him 85. Some of you might question my top mass assessment, but I've been under on all the bucks we've taken up here and I've been calling them 6-4/8 usually. I actually don't see 7 on this buck, but the measurements should fall in relatively good locations (very close to the prong) so he might get there. If not, he'll be closer to 84. Then again, maybe he'll surprise me and be WAY BIGGER! If I shoot him. He's actually the only buck I can get to right now because of all the rain so he may be in danger.

I think the second buck I posted would have the best chance at being the biggest, but he's the one buck I can't relocate.

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