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Wyoming Elk 2012


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
You all know how i like to wax philosophic about the whole hunt experience. I'll do that somewhere else.

Short version...

We packed in on horseback 10 miles from the end of he road with a general elk license in Wyoming. The night before opening day the bulls were screaming all around camp. We had elk in our camp spook the horses during the night.

Come morning the vocals were still going strong. I walked out 0.6 miles from camp following the bugles of one of the bulls, and waited for it to get light enough to shoot. I ranged the bull at 233 yards, took a rest over a rock and pulled the trigger at 7;02 am on opening day. He rolled down the hill and lay dead IN THE TRAIL.



We had him gutless quartered and back in camp in a couple hours. Could be my quickest kill and back to camp since ... last year.

How does your horse feel about packing out the legs of that elk? ;)

Congrats on a great looking bull. You have a good track record in WY.
I like that. Especially how you did all the hard work to get away from the crowds, then made it look so easy once season opened. Congrats.
You beat me this year. I shot while kneeling on the trail and the bull died 70 yards off the trail.

You should take me elk hunting in Wyoming with you. Pretty Please with sugar on top?
Here is the longer version .

Thanks for the comments guys. Having horses when elk hunting is like having a dog when bird hunting. Much of the enjoyment comes from them doing their job well.

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