Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

Area 7 elk Wyoming. All for less than an appellate attorney fee case. Landowner tags would be a cinch. https://clarklandbrokers.com/roaring-forks-elk-hunting-ranch/
For a guy like him that place is not near exclusive enough. All of the land is accessible around it and the state section has the road thru it.

The ranch he bought is about a status of power and control over others. Corner crossing destroys his perception of that and is why he will sell once he looses.
I don't think you are too far off. For clarity, he landed in a field and he hit a rock in the slide during landing which ultimately did the damage. I was only adding this to original post because I had thought about this for a neat way to access certain landlocked public land.
They fixed my back after I fell off a horse last Dec 13. It's amazing what the neurosurgeons can do these days. I lucked out and got a top neurosurgeon (he's only 33 yrs old). He's an O.D., which I like because he's more customer friendly. I broke my L3 vertebrae in 4 pieces. I got a fusion where the surgeon puts 4 huge deck screws in the vertebrae above ad below the cracked vertebrae then puts in rods to stabilize the broken vertebrae. After about a year the broken vertebrae "Fuses" to the unbroken ones. I was in Daytona Advent for 10 days, 3 months of rehab and another 9 months of rehab on my own.

Can your buddy walk?
For a guy like him that place is not near exclusive enough. All of the land is accessible around it and the state section has the road thru it.

The ranch he bought is about a status of power and control over others. Corner crossing destroys his perception of that and is why he will sell once he looses.
I just hope he doesn't buy a new one in SE Montana.
For a guy like him that place is not near exclusive enough. All of the land is accessible around it and the state section has the road thru it.

The ranch he bought is about a status of power and control over others. Corner crossing destroys his perception of that and is why he will sell once he looses.
That’s what I hope. He keep spending and spending and spending or wasting and wasting and wasting good money thrown after bad. Then he just dumps it all for a fraction of what he paid. Then he can bury his head being whipped by the Missouri boyz.
They fixed my back after I fell off a horse last Dec 13. It's amazing what the neurosurgeons can do these days. I lucked out and got a top neurosurgeon (he's only 33 yrs old). He's an O.D., which I like because he's more customer friendly. I broke my L3 vertebrae in 4 pieces. I got a fusion where the surgeon puts 4 huge deck screws in the vertebrae above ad below the cracked vertebrae then puts in rods to stabilize the broken vertebrae. After about a year the broken vertebrae "Fuses" to the unbroken ones. I was in Daytona Advent for 10 days, 3 months of rehab and another 9 months of rehab on my own.

Can your buddy walk?
Yes. Full back brace. Was in a lot of pain for many months. Probably took about a year to get back to mostly normal.
Yes. Full back brace. Was in a lot of pain for many months. Probably took about a year to get back to mostly normal.
Thank God. My back will never be the same. When I sleep at night I can feel the hardware in my back. My surgeon offered to take ot the hardware, and I adamantly refused. That operation was bad enough for one time let alone a second time. More painful than my knee replacement.
Thanks to those at WY BHA for setting this up. Pitch in if you have ever whined about corner crossing ambiguity in WY (most of us).

Just a little frustrated. Limited access to public land just like a area I've been hunting for 20 years the only private is the road, both sides are either state or BLM and the big talk is they are closing access next year. How about state or BLM makes a two track next to private land so hunters can still have access. Or deny money for crop / fence damage done by wildlife. IF they don't let hunters hunt no money from Game and Fish, cattle grazing on the ranch land ONLY, but that wouldn't make a difference they would just bring in outfitters to hunt all that closed off state and BLM that would basically take the place of the money they would lose from G&F what a mess. I am thankful for always letting people hunt and enjoy the great outdoors in the past, but like everyone else it's turned out to be about the MONEY not the people! Some of us don't have thousands to give to have a place to hunt. Some of us do hunt for our food and if your lucky enough to draw that bull or antler deer tag that's just the cherry on top. And the one with the money gets to decide where we have to look for that majestic cherry. Let the Public have what's theirs!!
Just a little frustrated. Limited access to public land just like a area I've been hunting for 20 years the only private is the road, both sides are either state or BLM and the big talk is they are closing access next year. How about state or BLM makes a two track next to private land so hunters can still have access. Or deny money for crop / fence damage done by wildlife. IF they don't let hunters hunt no money from Game and Fish, cattle grazing on the ranch land ONLY, but that wouldn't make a difference they would just bring in outfitters to hunt all that closed off state and BLM that would basically take the place of the money they would lose from G&F what a mess. I am thankful for always letting people hunt and enjoy the great outdoors in the past, but like everyone else it's turned out to be about the MONEY not the people! Some of us don't have thousands to give to have a place to hunt. Some of us do hunt for our food and if your lucky enough to draw that bull or antler deer tag that's just the cherry on top. And the one with the money gets to decide where we have to look for that majestic cherry. Let the Public have what's theirs!!
We’re still waiting for the photo of your “monster” elk. Until then, I’m going to think of you as elk monster.
Thanks to those at WY BHA for setting this up. Pitch in if you have ever whined about corner crossing ambiguity in WY (most of us).

We’re still waiting for the photo of your “monster” elk. Until then, I’m going to think of you as elk monster.
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Pucky Freak, I kinda like ElkMonster dang I wish I would of thought of that I got a son-in-law that I hunt with all the time I told him about hunttalk if you don't mind I'm going to tell him to use it.

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