Worthwhile Western Game Publications

Haven't read it in years, but my dad was a lifelong subscriber to the North Dakota Outdoors magazine. When I was a kid, back before the internet and any outdoors tv other than bass fishing, reading these magazines over and over was a favorite pastime.
It really depends what you are looking for. RMEF, BHA, etc are more geared towards conservation. If you want to read about hunting stories publications like Eastmans and Epic Outdoors may be for you. I got tired of reading about hunting stories. The more I read the more they were all the same. All start with a great tag, then some kind of life tragedy strikes, kill a book animal, and then thank you to the most understanding wife in the world. Rinse and Repeat.
Lol I'm glad you said this. I love to hear hunting stories firsthand but man the guys in the industry trying to dramatize them is a little cringeworthy for me.
Haven't read it in years, but my dad was a lifelong subscriber to the North Dakota Outdoors magazine. When I was a kid, back before the internet and any outdoors tv other than bass fishing, reading these magazines over and over was a favorite pastime.
What is this "reading magazines" you speak of? Is that like an Instagram thing?
I learn so much more on forums like this one and a few others that I don't mess with magazines much anymore.

That said, I like Bugle if I'm reading a western hunting magazine.
Any magazine starts to seem like it "recycles" after a while. Currently we have Eastmans Hunting and Bugle. Just got our first Bugle and they had a "elk meat pie" recipe that we had last night, well with antelope instead. Wife doctored it a bit by adding veggies, but it was very good.

Eastman's tends to get repetitive, just tossed the Mule deer addition and hte articles did seem to repeat, but I do enjoy reading them and seeing the equipment etc.

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