Wolf wing nuts lose again!

Feel free to forward this on to Don Peay and/or Ryan Benson...

If this were facebook, I just clicked the LIKE button!
Fin, I think you do a great job and I hope you don't hold this against me.

I know some members will judge me for being the PC police. The fact remains that hunter numbers have been dwindling and we need to be able to convince non-hunters that they do not need to be anti-hunters. Hunter culture needs to be accepting of other ideas to persuade people who do not have an opinion, and to not alienate people that are, at least ideologically, supportive of hunting. That's the only way hunting will continue.

What do anti-hunters have to do with Fin saying the SFW/BGF are a bunch of clowns. It wasn't directed at antihunters. In fact, SFW/BGF are a cancer to the hunting community, worse than any anti-hunter due to -the fact they are a bunch of deceitful, lying, backstabbing, money-grubbing, tag-stealing, brown-nosed bastages that need to be shown the door and wiped off the landscape. At the very least, you know an antis' stance on things and what to expect from them, that is far better than saying you want to kill wolves but then behind closed doors in hushed tones, try to undermine the whole damn thing. That is treasonous, of which the proper punishment is well known. Fin is a far better man than me, to know what he knows, to know whom he does, posts as much as he does in all sorts of forums, and keep it VERY PC. Jeezus.
Carrion - I see your point, given I used nouns to indentify those responsible for despicable actions, rather than verbs that notate the action itself.

I think I am usually within the code of conduct I think you expect. I don't see that post as being outside those bounds, but if others do, I respect that and take note. Not saying I will change anything in that post, but it always helps to have people make good comments that I can consider.

With that said, I have no problem being very pointed in my descriptions of the actions of SFW/BGF.

Your comments make me think I might have been better served to use the verb that they are "hogging the glory" rather than a noun of "glory hogs". And rather than bozos, I could have used the term "clown-like" to describe their actions. Thanks for pointing that out. I failed to do so, and I move on.

I try to make my points in effective ways, truthful and factual, with use of pointed and descriptive verbs, when appropriate and deserved. I will continue my approach of using very descriptive references to these actions.

Sorry if my use of those nouns took away from the substance of this discussion. That substance being the great news that we have prevailed in the Ninth Ciruit, and in predicable "clown-like" fashion, some have raced to "hog the glory" for successes that they previously tried to ruin.

Carry on ........

I think you pussy-footed around a bit too much. Call them "ass-clowns" like they are.

Fin is the most PC hunter dude I know....fact.
I take exception to that.
Headed out now! Always nervous about the orange army, but I just try to stay the hell away from them.

Carrion I take offense to your "orange army" comment, I find your negative tone toward us law abiding wearers of 400sq inches of blaze orange condescending and pedantic. I expect a formal letter of apology to be sent to all members of the so called "orange army" before Payton Manning signs a contract!:D:hump:
I expect Carrion to follow me around now, and correct my PCness. I know I'm far more politically incorrect in my verbage than Fin is. If he doesn't then I'll feel un loved, and neglected if he doesn't respond in kind.:)
Like I said, alienate your allies. .

Do a quick search on SFW/BGF and the wolf issue and see who really alienated who. Better yet one of you computer wizards post those early links to the emails and some of the more damaging info we've had from those groups to make it simple.

So with all this good news I've been wondering if this sheds light on the wolf issue going on in AZ and NM. They are just trying to get them established down there, so what can we do to keep them under control? Right now the wolves are protected and are just a handful, so how long before they become a threat to our wildlife and our way of life?
Carrion I take offense to your "orange army" comment, I find your negative tone toward us law abiding wearers of 400sq inches of blaze orange condescending and pedantic. I expect a formal letter of apology to be sent to all members of the so called "orange army" before Payton Manning signs a contract!:D:hump:

We don't have split seasons like you guys. I'm sure you can imagine what a zoo opening day is when deer and elk season open on the same day for everyone.

My Wife is a die hard Broncos fan. I sure hope you all get Manning. He's a great guy and a hell of a QB.
Split season sucks, I'd take three straight weeks anyday. Just having a little fun, hunting season can't get here soon enough. I'll take Payton over Tebow, but I think he's going to end up in Tennessee.
"If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."
I was just saying that calling pro-wolfers "wolf wing nuts" just polarizes the issue more when we need to be coming together.

Carrion - I did not realize you were referring to the term "wolf wingnuts" when you mentioned the name calling. I wouldn't change that one, if given the chance to re-do.

I know a lot of pro-wolf people who are very reasonable. Who rely on science and management. Who do not give personal traits and emotions to wolves. They are pro-wolf people, many of whom are hunters, but they are NOT wingnuts.

You can be pro-wolf, but not be a wingnut. Too imply that the term "wolf wingnut" applies to, or offends, anyone who is pro-wolf, seems incorrect.

Some would say I am pro-wolf, given I think they have a place in the equation. Though I have no use for the current debacle this unmanaged reintroduction turned into, I am willing to make sure the wolf has a place, as agreed to in the management plan.

Those who have zero concern about wolves, yet use the wolf as the facade that increases their own political power and funding, are just that, wingnuts. Hypocrites, fakes, counterfeits, or whatever term fits the person who uses an issue to further their own cause, when trying to convince others it is altruistic concern for the issue.

I know wingnuts in other areas of societal issues. Just as I know people passionate about these same societal issues who are not wingnuts. You can be passionate and not be a wingnut who is nothing more than an emotional tyrant.

In fact, I think some threads in the last month came up where politicians advocated selling public lands. I probably used the term wingnut to describe them. Most non-hunters who enjoy public lands would probably suggest I use a stronger term to describe those wanting to sell the public land.

Those serial plaintiffs in this wolf issue have no use for common sense, no use for science, no use for anyone using the landscape for anything other than what they think is appropriate. They seem to have the idea that man is not part of this natural cycle of the western landscape, though we have been since crossing the Bering land bridge.

I make a big distinction between those who are pro-wolf, some of whom I consider close friends, and those who are just that, wingnuts. I have no problem using the term wingnuts to describe those furthest on the fringe, of both fringes.

I understand your point that we need to be conscious of the impression we provide to non-hunters. That is a good point, and I think I use good discretion in how I communicate on the topics, especially around non-hunters. Yet, the context of the issue, where it is being discussed, and the intended audience all influence how the point is made. In this case, I doubt any non-hunters are negatively affected by my use of the term "wingnut."

Just my opinion, but I don' t think the non-hunting public is too concerned if hunters get fired up and call out the far fringes for what they are. If anything, in my opinion, hunters being soft and overly polite when describing those most extreme fringe elements does more damage to our cause than coming out swinging.

I appreciate you giving me cause to think about all of this. Always good input.
After shooting my bow this afternoon and having a little time to digest this I feel the need to apologize to Big Fin. You did a noble thing calling out these special interest yahoos and I kinda steered this thread in a direction it did not need to go.
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