Caribou Gear

Wolf alert for SE Idaho!!

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"Feds say wolves spotted in S.E. Idaho
Reports come from Caribou, Oneida counties"

Call out the National Guard!!
And say goodbye to thousands of elk and deer!! There's two wolves on the loose!

"Federal wolf recovery officer Ed Bangs said Tuesday that wolf tracks were sighted in the mountains around Soda Springs starting late last fall."

And here's what Ron Gillet has to say!

"The dumping of the “experimental and non-essential population” of Canadian gray wolves into Central Idaho is going to be the worst wildlife disaster this state has ever known."

"Our civil rights as granted under the Idaho Constitution and guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution have been severely violated.

3. The federal government and the Defenders of Wildlife must be held accountable for the slaughter of Idaho´s wildlife by this exotic species they have dumped on our state.

4. Delisting is a fairy tale — a myth. Canadian wolves will not be delisted in my lifetime.

6. There is no way to manage wolves in Idaho because of the terrain and topography."

I wonder how they got exterminated last time if there's no way to manage them?

We gotta get ol' Ron to visit Sportsman's Issues! He sounds like more fun than a barrel of monkeys! He'd love some of the crew here!
I hope I see him at the big Sportsman's Show in Boise Feb. 28-Mar. 2! I've got a few questions for him!

Why don't we all get together there and have a love in?!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-06-2003 19:58: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
To me this is an old story. They killed a Wolf that was killing sheep near where I grew up about two years ago. They used a government trapper. While I was hunting I saw its tracks and my father saw it. Not to mention that it killed 20 sheep one night while my dad was working out on the company property.
By the way, I grew up in Soda, Dad works for Simplot and the property is 7 miles out of town.

Calling the wolf an exotic!!!!
Beings that only humans have a largely range than the gray wolf, I doubt they are 'exotic' most anywhere. Returning would be a better word. Wonder what he has against the Canucks?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Canadian wolves will not be delisted in my lifetime.
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Does he really think animals give a damn about political boundaries? If they can't manage wolves, how can deer, elk, and other species that use the same habitat be managed?
I saw a wolf in the Leadore country down there about 20 years ago when I was hunting.

Anybody know this Gillette guy? I sent him some email, but he won't respond back.
Coming back to an area denotes some thing that happened of ones free will. I don't think the wolves had any plans on "coming back". It was forced on them, why don't we see if we can get camels back and elephants, they were at one time in this whole region also, and they weren’t first introduced by man...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>why don't we see if we can get camels back and elephants, they were at one time in this whole region also, and they weren’t first introduced by man... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, but they weren't run out of town by man, either.

Let's just delist them so they can be managed at a sustainable number. How many of the anti wolf folks here would that satisfy? Or is your goal complete extermination (like the first time)?

Considering the species of camel and elephant are extinct that'd be tough! Animals have free will?

The was an integral part of the local ecosystems. I hope that sound management plans are not too far over the horizon.
My position all along has been to delist and manage at the minimum level to keep them delisted. Actually, that's the only practical solution, given the ESA.

But maybe all the nuts here have a better solution!
I think it would be a MAJOR success for the ESA if it was delisted and managed accordingly. That means it works as planned.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Yeah, but they weren't run out of town by man, either. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Considering the species of camel and elephant are extinct that'd be tough! Animals have free will?

The was an integral part of the local ecosystems. I hope that sound management plans are not too far over the horizon. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
While yes this is true it wasn't a long time ago, it has still been long enough for the environment to overcome losing these animals, and it was put up as a point. Does it really matter how the animals were exterminated out of an environment, gone is gone, bring back one, bring back all. Nature doesn't know the difference; it is only a matter of semantics in people’s minds that make the difference and nature doesn’t care one way or another in any way shape or form.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> But maybe all the nuts here have a better solution! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
There is only one nut on the board. Why is it, just because some one has a different way of making a point or thinking that makes it you have to continually run with this barrage of name calling, no matter how menial. It gets you no where and ruins good points you do bring up...
Good Post elkchsr.
We come to a forum to debate issues and get called name for having a different one ,go figure

On the delisting,im all for that.
I still dont think we need to be all warm and fuzzy over the fact that there were crammed up our butt's,but Yes I will be happy to have them de-listed and hunted.
That doesnt mean we need to roll over and be happy that they re-introduced them.
Im glad people are still making a big ruckus over it .
The fact that we can now agree to get on with the process of de-listing should not mean we have to like it or suck up to the treehuggers that did.
MD4ME said, "over the fact that there were crammed up our butt's"

Where in the hell do you come up with this crap? There was ample time to comment on the Wolf reintro, if the majority of people in ID, MT, and WY didnt want them, why the hell didnt they comment?

Because the fact is, THE MAJORITY OF THE COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM MT, ID, AND WY, as well as nation wide, were for wolf reintroduction. What message does that send to the decisions makers?

I hardly call doing what a majority wants as having something shoved up your butt?

Apparently you were one of the "concerned" but no-action types along with most others who bitch about wolves.

Get over it, its done and over with and thats final.

Time to move on, quite whining, and figure out how to control them.
I don't think that it was a nonissue with alot of people. Do you really think the sate legislatures would make all the noise they did (and do) if they thought it was a popular issue? BUZZ were are coming from? If it was all that popular in the states that were on the receiving end, then the politicians would have all been on the band wagon, and not against it.

I'm like most people were I live, and we didn't know it was happening until the decision had been made, and then we still don't understand the whole of it. When we had wolves here in the first place, why bring in more.
With most things, wolves and presidents included, the ones that didn't get their way say it got crammed down. Oh well, we got more wolves and we got Bush, so some of us got crammed twice while most of ya only got one. Get over it and quit fighting about how it happened.
Ten, at the meeting for the wolves did they tell you too that the local voice would carry a little more weight than those from out of the reintro area?
We didn't know about the process until the date for it passed.

Your right though, the only difference now is we have more wolves then we did before, and more people know that their there.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Does it really matter how the animals were exterminated out of an environment, gone is gone, bring back one, bring back all. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Deer and elk were near exterminated from MANY areas and brought back, why not the wolves and bears? There are now Mtn Goats in UT, but there is no paleoecological evidence to support that they were ever here in the first place. Same with golden trout in WY.
The up side is one day I hope to draw a tag so I can put one up. Never could have done that before the reintroduction. Their here, lets move on to the managing part of it.
As usual, MD4M comes up with some completely uninformed idiotic opinion after having opportunities here many times to read the facts. No sense trying to teach her anything anymore. Best just to quit wasting time and flunk her.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Does it really matter how the animals were exterminated out of an environment, gone is gone, bring back one, bring back all. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You've got to be kidding, right? So, lets say a chemical spill kills every fish in 100 miles of river. You don't think any restocking should be done? Let's say pesticide use wipes out a certain bird over 3/4 of it's historical range. You say that we should do nothing to help the population recover? You just don't make sense to me sometimes.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Get over it, its done and over with and thats final.

Time to move on, quite whining, and figure out how to control them. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
If this was so well thought out by the so called experts, why wasn't this part figured out before they were introduced?
It's easy to bring in a weed for the right reason, it's almost impossible to get rid of it after it has become established. Look for example at the lowly dandylion!!!