Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wintertime pudge


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
Am I the only one? Anybody else let things slide this time of year? Is there a support group?

I write this as I polish off my third piece of homemade pecan pie for desert.

About two months ago I was what Dink would call a spectacle and what Schmalts and Miller would invite along as a camp "cook" when only a two man tent is available. Now I'm knocking lamps off of tables as I walk by and need a "wide load" sign on my back.

I'll start getting back in shape in a few weeks or so . . . probably.
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I hear ya... Once I get home, all the crap is getting tossed and better food will be replacing it. Bust out the skis and start touring around the neighborhood a couple times a week, and start shoveling instead of snow blowing... only 7 months to sheep season. :D
I've always gained around 10lbs in the winter,problem is I've only lost 5 of it the last few summers.:(

I need to correct that this year.:eek:
And I thought I was the only one….I now work from home and get no exercise unless I make myself do it. I have gained 10lbs in the last 2 months and that is not good at all. It's amazing how much you notice an extra 10 on you with movement and such.

In a week it's time to get off the pot and loose that 10 and 30+ more….
I'm exactly the same way.

I have work pants in waist sizes 34-38. In September I was wearing 34's, last week I started wearing the 38's. The sad part is that I've been busting my butt at work 70 hours a week, and I'm still eating enough to gain weight.

I just love junk food(and beer) too much to give it up year round.
All the holiday food, drink, and sitting around with friends and family is just too much ! I'm tossing all the snack food and sweets today. This morning I'll be strapping on the snowshoes. The dog and I will be hiking a five mile loop. That will shock the system !! The oIder I get, the tougher it is to get back in shape after the holidays and eating all wrong stuff throughout the hunting seasons !
I don't really have a problem with wintertime pudge. I just stay fat year round! Kinda cuts down on the holiday season guilt that way.
Christmas eve dinner at my daughter's, Christmas brunch at my daughter's, Christmas dinner at my SIL's to include a ham and three full racks of ribs, sweet potato casserole, scalloped potatoes, pies and cakes, my wife's great brownies, a sack full of Ghiardelli Peppermint Bark. Then my sister, nephew and his lady blew into town for a couple of nights, collards and another ham, this morning I cooked yellow grits laced with finely chopped pork loin, Virginia ham, gallons of coffee thrown into the mix, acid reflux and distended belly, maybe my 38" pants still fit. Hope you all had a great Christmas.
Christmas eve dinner at my daughter's, Christmas brunch at my daughter's, Christmas dinner at my SIL's to include a ham and three full racks of ribs, sweet potato casserole, scalloped potatoes, pies and cakes, my wife's great brownies, a sack full of Ghiardelli Peppermint Bark. Then my sister, nephew and his lady blew into town for a couple of nights, collards and another ham, this morning I cooked yellow grits laced with finely chopped pork loin, Virginia ham, gallons of coffee thrown into the mix, acid reflux and distended belly, maybe my 38" pants still fit. Hope you all had a great Christmas.

...don't forget the Malbec.
If this is the official OYOA pudge support group, count me in! I am 13 pounds up from my low hit in October. I would stay for a meeting right now, but the muffin shop is making mixed berry fritters this morning...........
I have had a bad cold since the 23rd so I have done nothing but eat.... and eat... and eat.
Lately I get out of breath climbing the stairs in the house.

Me too. And I live in a single-level home. :eek:

While getting ready for bed the other night, I was complaining to my wife about getting fat and she was telling me I was exaggerating. The room grew silent from protest when I took off my shirt. I used to be a guy who could eat anything and everything without gaining weight - that was 37 years of bad training for when my metabolism slowed down. Also, quitting the gym for the last 21 months isn't helping.
...don't forget the Malbec.

I got a great deal on a case of Duckhorn cab about a month ago. It's tough not to finish that bottle once you open it.

I was down 45 pounds in September/October. Ive gained about 15 back. I started working out again last week though and I am going to start training for a 1/2 marathon in May so that should keep me motivated.