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Wine whine

Am I the only one who consumed Annie Green Springs in high school?

Edit. The google machine says it was discontinued in 1977, and my degenerate ass wasn’t in high school yet. I must have stole it from my older siblings.
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...or Strawberryhill...
I loved Strawberry Hill!!! I remember an interview with some big wine guy about the "pop wines". He said, basically, we love it, they'll come our way in about 10 years.
Come to think of it, we used to drink Pouilly Fuisse until it became way too pricey.

Spent a couple of weeks in St. Barth though, it was cheap, as were Pinot and Cotes du Rhone. Escargot, ready for the oven, French bread, many cheeses, farm eggs (we had an outdoor kitchen) and life was good, and pretty cheap compared to eating out. And we did that too, but the meals from our tiny kitchen were the best.
The more and better wines one is exposed to, the more ones pallet will change. What you once thought was a “nice” wine will leave you scratching your head as to what you saw in it. This sort of “taste evolution” is very real. Whether this journey is worth it, is entirely one’s own choice. It‘s not a necessity that’s for sure, and it takes time and money. Anymore, I’m content to enjoy an really fine bottle once in a while with friends. For a day to day wine, I like something from the Southern Rhône. But frankly, I’m just as happy to have a good IPA.

As Duke Ellington said, “If it sounds good it is good.” To paraphrase, “if it tastes good to you, it is good.” That’s really what has to be kept in mind - you only have yourself to please.
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