Windows “Vista” ?


New member
Dec 23, 2000
My current computer uses the Windows “XP” operating system.
Looking at new ones (in box stores) and they all have Windows “Vista”.

Several people have told me “Vista” is crap, and has lots of problems, and they had to remove it from their new computers and go back to “XP’.

What are your thoughts on “Vista” home premium, 64 ?

On a scale of 1 to 10, my computer knowledge is about a 1 ½, I want simple, problem free and easy.
What should I get ? Vista, XP or is there some other PC operating system I should look at ?
My work computer is running Vista. So far I'm not a huge fan of it, but some of that could also be related more to the individual computer and not all Vista.
I have a laptop that came with Vista installed. It worked well and there were no problems with it until the SP1 came out. When I tried to update that it brought the system down, big time down. After working with MS tech support for almost two weeks trying to fix it I ended up re-formatting the drive and re-installing everything.

Microsoft is offering free tech support because of all the problems with the update. Unfortunately, Microsoft does not warn you about the downside, they only say the positive points about the SP1 update.

I would be VERY cautious about installing Vista over an existing XP installation. XP is a pretty stable platform, unless you want all the fading windows and widgets that come with Vista.
I have had Vista on a laptop for the last 2 years, works well, in fact, I think there are fewer crashes than with XP. Have 3 desktops all running Vista with no problems.

I think a lot of the bashing on Vista is from Microsoft Haters....

Biggest improvement is switching to Google Chrome instead of MS Internet Explorer or Firefox.
We got a laptop for my wife to use for work that had Vista on it. We ran into a lot of problems, mostly with compatability. It didn't want to interface with her printer (brand new) and it was running ungodly slow with lots of crashes. We finally sucked it up and had XP put on and have had no problems since then. Granted, that was 1 1/2 years ago, so they may have fixed some or all of those problems.

Not a Microsoft hater. And even though my Mac at school certainly runs better, I still use a PC at home. Oh, and FYI, if you really like those widgets, they have them for XP, too.
I bought a new computer last summer and was worried about Vista. But I really haven't had any problems to speak of. I'm glad I'm using an OS that is still supported by MS.