Who is going to SLC Hunt Expo?

Heading out the door. Let's all cross our fingers that Oak draws some good tags.

We have 2 hours til we leave. Don't door ding the BMW when you park next to us.....

You can't miss my license plate....

I can just picture moosie, greenie, et.al. forming a protective circle around Jose and running anyone off that gets to close to him. Kind of like the plains animals in Africa.

They should also protect him from predatory Mercedes driving dowagers. :D
I survived

Just home. Lots of Hunttalkers made the trip.

Moosie, as he has already posted, got in a little trouble with a wardrobe malfunction, which I happened to catch on video.

Bugler was there, trying to keep Moosie out of trouble and being the quiet bystander. I believe the consumption of Corona hit an all-time record, thanks to Bugler. Since Moosie came out of the closet, Bugler has to make up for Moosie's lack of consumption and appears to be doing an outstanding job.

Jose and his landscape crew showed up with their "taco trailer" and sold breakfast burritos to the hungover guys leaving "Lumpy's" just before sunrise. The guy has a financial angle on everything. He had one realllly BIG guy on his crew who was in charge of administering "wedgies."

Oak and Buzz got in a contest to see who could buy the longest string of raffle tickets. I think Oak won by a foot. I saw Buzz going back to the registration line when Oak wasn't looking. One of those guys will win a hunt from this Expo.

Greenie, his personal videographer, and their very attractive girlfriend/wife showed up. I suspect the company they were keeping this year will keep them from posting any funny video clips.

I finally got to meet Browtine. The guy has connections. If I had his connections, I would draw a tag every year.

Dinkshooter and some of his buddies came over on Friday. They proceeded to buy out most any inventory the exhibitors had. Seemed as though Dink was doing the talking and his buddies were doing the spending. The guy has it figured out.

The Mystery Ranch guys were doing a "land office business" selling packs. I suspect had the Expo known they were including a six pack of PBR with every purchase, they would have shut them down.

NEMont's buddy, PH, drove down with me and paid for most everything, so it was a pretty good deal for me. I told him I was good luck, and that travelling with me was worth the cost. Too bad he didn't win anything. I told him that when the tag results are posted on Friday, the 13th, he will have his name on one of them. I hope so, or he will probably send me a bill.

We all went to the Mule Deer banquet and watched a lot of guys spend more money than I thought was left in the economy. Moosie started the AZ Governor's Mule Deer tag auction with an opening bid of $100,000. Luckily, someone bailed him out with a winning bid of around $135,000. Moosie really wasn't bidding, but if you ever watched the guy talk, you would know that his arms are flying if his lips are moving. Moral of the story - sedate Moosie when at an auction. And he is still wondering how he got stuck with the winning bid on the Africa trip a couple years ago.

I am sure a met a few others, and apologize if I forgot.

Some of the Hunttalk guys are still there "Manning the Fort." Since it is my anniversary, I needed to get home. Wife said "Or Else." I have no idea what "Or Else" means, and don't want to find out, so I proceeded to carry out her instructions.

Good to see you all.
It was a good time meeting everyone, for sure. Moosie was making me nervous at the auction, but Big Fin's wandering eye kept the mood light. ;)

And talk about lucky? They had a bin of about 2000 raffle tags for 20 guns...and they pulled two of Fin's tags!:eek:

Don Peay walked up and shook my hand. I didn't tell him who I was.:D

The only thing I regret is Moosie's gas bombing of Jose's beemer while IB, Buzz, Moosie, Jose and I were crammed into the thing and cruising down the street.

Good times, guys. Good luck in the draw next week.
Big Fin,

You must be hard up for company:D, PH probably never got off his "huckleberry thingy" the entire time. One thing about traveling with the guy is that your money is usually no good.

Glad everyone had fun. Someday I am going to have to make it down there but I don't know if you can there from here.

Big Fin,

You must be hard up for company:D,

Yup. :D........And so must he.

PH probably never got off his "huckleberry thingy" the entire time.

Yup. Yup. He lost the damn thing this morning on the way home. We had to turn around and the valet guy had found it. I am sure he would have paid a King's ransom for its safe return. Good thing is, he knew he had lost it within about five minutes, which is about the longest interval he had without someone calling him. He needs to throw that thing away.

One thing about traveling with the guy is that your money is usually no good.

Yeah, but we sorted that out before it got out of hand. You almost have to lie to the guy about the price, etc. I just decided to pay when he wasn't looking and told him to shut up and like it.

A good guy to spend a few days with. Next year we have a spot for you.
The short bus definately made a stop at the Salt Palace Friday.

I was great to meet some folks from here.

Stay away from my Desert Sheep tag.
Glad to see everyone made it home safely. I had a great time meeting all of you guys and I'm already looking forward to next year. This time I'm staying longer and going to finish walking the expo. We ran out of time and didn't get to check everything out.

Good luck to all in the draws and lets hope some huntalkers pull some tags.
Sounds like a good time. Wish I could have made it this year to bring up the average IQ by a point or two and set a good example for what to expect from a Hunttalker. Next year I'll see ya'll therefor sure as I plan to draw my Henries tag via the Expo.
Glad to see everyone made it home safely.

I'm just glad IDbugler gave me a bad time for being the Last up on Sat. Nothing like having him talk trash then Sleeping all the way home.... He says he could have drank another 4 beers but I'm sure he was at his limit .. ;) I just hope Jose can get the Fart while he's Snoring smell out of his daughters BMW. I did tyake the Fating while Awake gold metal but Jose and me kepy opening windows on the way home.....

The Show was Great. I met alot of Hunttalkers, a lot of MM.com'ers and probably some other clowns here and there. I ran into a few guys I knew From Idaho, a guy I hunted on Kodiak Island with from Colorado and probably more then I'll ever remember.

One of the Highlights was to Ask Greenhorns Gal if she had a Lollipop ;)

The Banquet was a Little over my head. Every top dressed individual was on a Cell phone with some rich guy at the other end bidding up everything. Crazy to see that many Gov tags go on sale. In one bid you have an African Hunt go for $1,000 and in the other you have an AZ Deer tag go for $137,000 !!!

I didn't know the game or I would have opened the Bid up at 100k. Thats my goal if I go back. To bid at least once on each Gov tag's without getting the bid.... :D :D

The chicks selling tickets I think were flown in From Clevage'ville. Holey Smokes. I was just impressed how well Big Fin kept his Blinders on and never looked !!!!!

I dod want to sit at Fin's table next year though again. Nothing like sitting next to a guy that get's 2 out of 20 guns in a draw that has a million tickets in it.. !!!!

The setup Doyle had was crazy too. He had quiet the production. The Spider Bull was on display. All in all I liked it although having cobwebs, the Batman light with a Spider, the Cobweb's and all was a little overboard I think ... :p

Fin, Did you grab the Box's that we left at the hotel ?
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