NEW SITKA Ambient 75

What do you do with your 'yotes?

Coyote meat?



Here are a couple I shot a week ago and left them where the pics were taken. While I think a called coyote is a heck of a trophy and I hate leaving them, the going rate for pelts just doesn't justfiy the work to deal with one.
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I have seen Recipes online for Yote. Stan said his Grandma used to put it in Buttermilk with saltwater and cooked it in lard and she was never wrong! Sounds good if you got enough Biscuts. John
U doubters see that big objective on that Leupold. tjones has the cajones to 'run' good glass on his shootin' iron.;)

..nice pics, the mangy critters 'round hear ain't worth much more trouble than a quick dispatch.
The only thing that was "running" that day was my nose! Thats a mid 80's M77 22-250 and it shoots but does not "run" 52 gr HP's very well!

same day:
Skin and stretch when I'm trapping. Takes me about 30 minutes total time invested between skinning, a bit of fleshing then stretching, and normally averaged around 30 bucks a pelt..that's not too bad for 30 minutes.

I use parts of the carcass as lure on other sets a lot.
Rosco, I sell furs regularly. Please tell me where your getting an average of $30 for a Utah coyote when all I can get (if they sell at all) is $12 to $15 for a Montana coyote.
I just leave them. Smelly, dirty things. One of these day's I'll pelt a few out though.
The market is crap but I skin and stretch them when I get them.But I also skin O'possum so I can get a buck for them.Someday I'll have enough stashed away for an elk hunt.Nice looking yotes tjones.
Rosco, I sell furs regularly. Please tell me where your getting an average of $30 for a Utah coyote when all I can get (if they sell at all) is $12 to $15 for a Montana coyote.

It's been around 3 years since I've put up fur, I haven't kept up with the prices. I don't know your situation, but I assume you know how to handle fur? My average normally came from ~ 100 yote's, handled with care, and stretched on wood (a big plus with my buyer).

I averaged 25$ on red fox last time I sold also..I will note, when I first started prices were better, and I got less..till I gained a trust with my buyer on fur handling. I sold to Montgomery Fur in Ogden Utah. also,90% of my fur was caught and put up before January..which also made a $$ difference.

FWIW, I got HOSED IMO on cat's, in the era of 350-500 dollar cats, my average was under 300 at the sale, so who the hell know what a buyer is looking at, they are as fickle as they come it seems.

And has the market tanked that bad? I just looked at a projection from November adn it said 30-100$ on heavy westerns.. now I know that's for cream of the crop fur, but it sounds like its in the same range as when I was trapping.
here in nevada last year at the spring sale, i was getting round $50.00 for a yote and $180.00 for a bobcat. that was with all hides brushed, cleaned, and stretched as well. the outlook for this spring doesnt look as promising. but hey, if i get 15 bucks for a yote, it all adds up and in this economy that can be alot of money!
Last year (before spring) the market tanked. NAFA, North American Fur Ass. the largest fur trading house in the world. Basically had a fire say because the economy tanked. IF you sold your coyote it averaged $12-$15. Fox same. Bobcat averaged $200

You don't look at the top lot sold you look at the average. Of 73,000 coyotes sold the top got $200 but the average was way less.

Western Heavy averaged $22. That's if it sold. I had a bunch at the sale. The only ones sold were the lesser grade ones. They pulled the $12-15 bucks. I still have coyotes from last year at NAFA unsold.

here in nevada last year at the spring sale, i was getting round $50.00 for a yote and $180.00 for a bobcat. that was with all hides brushed, cleaned, and stretched as well. the outlook for this spring doesnt look as promising. but hey, if i get 15 bucks for a yote, it all adds up and in this economy that can be alot of money!

You must of had some great dogs to average $50. To skin, stretch, and clean a coyote for $15 I really have to have nothing to do.

But then again in 1979 when a dollar was worth a lot more I averaged $90 for Montana dogs. We didn't work, we'd take off and spend our time chasing dogs.
12-15$ dogs sucks! I never really did it for money, so I guess I still would, but it wouldn't offset the gas and other expenses so great at that price.

If we seen 90$ coyote's again, I don't believe I'd be sitting at the computer much! that was before my time...Hell, what would that same 90 amount to now days? 250 or 300?
i wasnt averaging $50.00 but i did get around $50 for a few dogs. most were in the 20's. but, i do sew up the holes, and spend alot of time on my hides as well. this year the prediction isnt good. bobcat is going to be about the only thing worth selling unfortunately.
NAFA, had a special Internet sale. Of the 70,000+ they have they pulled 2300. I'm assuming they high graded them so the average would look really high. It did, $30 was the average coyote sold there. I had 1 of two Montana dogs there. They sold one of them for $18. The one I sold was a #1 grade, XXL with a light brown color, clear belly. So a regular old average dog will go for a lot less.

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