Caribou Gear Tarp

Welcome to Byron South


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Northern Colorado
Welcome to huntalk Byron. Tell us a little about that coyote hunting video that you are selling. I hear it has very good reviews by everyone who has seen it.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-25-2003 16:20: Message edited by: Doug ]</font>
Thanks for the invite, and the welcome.
As far as the video goes.
I touch on the basics of what has worked for me. I tried to make the video I wish I had watched 20 years ago. Have got a lot of compiments on it. Thanks.
I'm kinda new to the computer, but I'll try and post a short clip and a link to my web site.
coyote at 13 steps and closing

"Coming to the Call"

Thanks and Good Huntin


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-25-2003 16:48: Message edited by: Byron South ]</font>
Hey Byron... nice to see ya here!

I just might have to order another video cause I'm wearing mine out!

yep... 8 times now and each time it only gets better!

Crow Woman
Thanks Crow Women,
Next time get it in DVD. They say those don't were out as fast, and they are really neat in the freeze frame mode.

Here is another clip.

Bobcat at 10 steps

Good Huntin

MR South, Welcome to our Humble HOME !!! I'm not a big Yote hunter but I always l;ike a good video, And your's looks like it could be one !!!

WELCOME to !!!
Thanks again for the warm welcome.
Slydog, I just may take you up on that invite. I'm in the proccess of filming Vol.II, and would like to do some hunts in other states.
Could you send me some info on your calls, and your kids program. That's two of my weaknesses.
If you ever get to Texas look me up.

Good Huntin

Sorry Byron... Have to stick with the video... no future thought of DVD with probably over 400 videos to my collection

Crow Woman

Welcome to the house of Moosie. I'm glad to see you here and hope you will visit us often.

I'm the president of the Gem State Predator Hunters Assn. and would like to offer you an open invitation to come hunt with me. I hunt many thousands of acres of private ranchland here in Idaho. I have been known to build and sell a few predator calls and Howlers also and I'm up to my butt in Raven's Idaho Youth Hunter,Inc. A program where we take terminaly ill,handicaped and underprivledged kids hunting. God I live my Job.

A buddy of mine let me barrow your video and He may never get it back,,,LOL I guess I'll have to anny up and get one of my own because its the best video I have ever seen and although I have been hunting the coyote for over 30 years I never stop learning from others and every time I watch this video I pick up more and more little things.

Great video,,, Lets make a new one, I'll provide the coyotes, the truck, the 20 caliber rifle and the best damned calls on the planet and you bring your talent and a camera and lets play.

Richard W. Gipson GSPHA 208 841-5554
Slydog slydog custom calls
Once again welcome aboard

Welcome to Hunttalk Byron, looks like you've made a major positive splash on your first debute...I sure hope you hand around...
Welcome Byron,I still need to order your video or DVD,as soon as I crawl out of the financial hole all these guns have put me in by forcing me to buy them
,I'll do that.

CW,Emerson makes a DVD/VCR player you can buy at Wally world for less than 170$ if you catch it on sale.That way you can have the best of both world's.
Byron, Just placed a Order for the DVD... WHO still buys VHS ?!?!?! Geshhhh..

Also, thanx for signing up as a supporting member for the site.

Talk to ya soon....